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Until recently it was believed that senility (progressive loss of mental faculties, confusion, loss of ability to meet their own needs and irrational behavior was natural and inevitable consequence of aging. However, since 1977, physicians, through work done, have seen that 10% of people over 65 suffer from organic brain lesions, which are related to senility. Of these injuries 75% were diagnosed as Alzheimer disease and the remaining 25% corresponds to brain disorders caused by multiple infarcts.

Alzheimer's disease is a type of organic brain damage common after age 65 should not be considered as intellectual deterioration of the call itself the 3rd age. This disease or Alzheimer disease, causes changes in behavior and personality, with a progressive loss of memory, verbal ability, etc.. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, presenile dementia and senile dementia. Some neurologists consider Alzheimer's disease as an independent entity and others claim it is part of the overall picture of idiopathic or senile dementia of unknown cause. Both processes are pathologically similar, but Alzheimer's disease begins earlier and has a clinical course more rapid and severe.


Its clinical manifestation is a slowly progressive loss of capacity for abstract thinking, the ability to assimilate new knowledge and the ability to speak clearly. Over time, add other signs of deterioration as the inability to dress without help, they get harder everyday tasks performed by the patient (Phillips & Phillips, 2011). Intellectual impairment is often reflected in social communication disorders and loss of personal hygiene habits. The dementia is a disorder of the reason is a progressive and irreversible deterioration of mental faculties. Who suffer from dementia in serious disruptions in behavior and cognitive functions, to the point of preventing the carrying out daily activities. Senile, meanwhile, is belonging or relating to a person of advanced age in which there is evidence of physical decay and / or mental.

The notion of dementia refers to disorder of the mind that appears in the elderly. It is an organic syndrome is characterized by impaired memory , impaired judgment and abstract thinking and personality disorders. When dementia becomes more advanced, the person can not interact normally or carry out activities independently. So people suffering from the disorder should receive continued attention. Although there are many disorders and syndromes associated or similar, which makes a precise definition, experts agree that dementia starts after 65 years of age (Hoe & Thompson, 2010). The anxiety , paranoid ideas, social isolation, the stress and obsessive traits may be symptoms of this type of dementia.

It is important to distinguish, however, including dementia, normal aging, depression, schizophrenia and other disorders with cognitive impairment. Each case has different characteristics and require different treatments. The drug delivery, establishing a daily routine, scheduled exercise and controlled diet can help reduce certain changes related to dementia. One of the most devastating loss for people with dementia is the loss of their independence (Chiu, Chiu, Hsu, Lee, Chen & Kao, 2010). The ability to drive a vehicle and transported to ...
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