Topic: Delinquent Children

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Delinquent Children

Delinquent Children


The concept of criminal behavior or delinquent or Youth criminal behavior in children makes reference to the illegal or harmful acts, which are performed by the immature children. This concept can also be described as non-violent or violent law-breaking act committed by people who are under the age of eighteen years. There is a great debate about the question that about whether or not a child should be made illegitimately accountable for the actions he/she has performed.


According to the general conception in the country, the parents must not be held accountable for the law breaking act, which their children have committed, if so, and then the children must be adjudged accountable for the law breaking acts committed by their parents. It does not make any sense to penalize one for the law-breaking act of the other. (Jackson, 2002)

The art of being a parent is not exactly a science. The children are not created from electronic components. Consequently, there is no accurate recipe or design that could be used for breeding the children, which would ensure that the child would develop to be a good part of the society, who would benefit the community. This is because of one uncomplicated cause i.e. we people live in a world of liberty, which includes our children also. (Jackson, 2002)

A parent can make sure that all the ingredients are in the right order and quantity i.e. would provide them with great deal of care. However, not excessive attention, set rigorous rules and regulations for them, making sure that the rules and regulations are not very strict. This assist their children in studies, boost them to become decorous human beings, give a good role model and bound the things that they listen to and see. Moreover, in spite of all of these things, the child could end up as rebellious and going for a life of a criminal. (Cashwell, Craig and Niccholas 1996)

The parents are not the only people who have the power to influence a child. There are other people too, like friends, teachers, neighbors, and even sadly, the renowned people even play a huge part in the development of thoughts and ideas in the brain of the children. The parents make an argument that whether all of these people should be adjudged accountable as well. Is it possible to put Emminem and 50 cent in jail just because the people who hear their euphony have a more eminent chance of ending up in jail?

People usually put the criteria of parenting through a hard procedure because whilst people understand that all these children must have a right to becoming a parent; people also accept the fact that the parents must have a right to bring up their children by themselves. The problem arises at the time when we have to draw a line, whether or not to take away the the parental rights, in favor of the child. In the uttermost model, people can take away all the children from parents, ...
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