Tooth Implantation

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Tooth Implantation

Immediate placement of a tooth with an implant

1. Introduction and Principles

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth to the tooth to restore function and appearance. Previous studies showed that the placement of dental implants in the tissues around the implant destroys and practitioners focus their treatment on careful planning and preservation of the bones of the gums around the implant to the patient around. The dental implants in this time are the best way to compensate for the teeth, and its technology has reached impressive success. Add to this that agriculture is better than conservative side because it compensated for the lost Age is another influence in the adjacent teeth as in the case of compensation where the bridge is carved teeth adjacent to the vacuum and covered any composition used to compensate for the missing tooth. When replacing a single tooth, the solution of the implant has the advantage of not having to grind the teeth adjacent, which greatly improves the long-term prognosis for these teeth? Fixed bridges or partial dentures anchored on implants usually guarantee a better chewing function. Patients also feel more secure as a dental prosthesis of this type usually gives them a feeling of having natural teeth. It is the best alternative among the alternatives to replace the other, whether fixed or mobile, fixed installations need to sculpt the teeth surrounding the missing tooth, which is part of the tooth cannot be restored later, and shows the sensitivity of the teeth and tooth decay1. The mobile installations are subject to movement during eating and speech, causing discomfort and embarrassment, as well as their impact on the atrophy of the jaw bone. It prevents bone atrophy place missing tooth and keep it and maintain the existing natural teeth and keep them intact. It restores self-confidence as it is after getting rights to replace a fixed shape and beautiful natural look. It will regain a lot of things, not just the ability to chew food and talk in comfort and without worry, but will regain confidence in him and his life becomes a natural and more effective. It also helps the stability and the stability of moving structures of the teeth effectively and thus avoids embarrassment during eating or talking, and improved ability to chew food.

2. Factors affecting the suitability of a failing tooth for immediate replacement

Periapical Health of the failing tooth

In their study of 124 implants placed in 104 patient's immediately after extraction in the early 90's, Gomez-Roman, Weber et al1 excluded teeth with acute periapical pathology, and achieved success rates of 97% after 5 years. However, Novaes Snr and Jnr published three cases in 19952 which showed that, with thorough debridement, and adequate preoperative, and post-operative care, implant can be placed into chronically infected sites, and survive. Obviously this second study can be criticised for the small sample size, and the short follow-up period (the longest follow-up was on an implant that had been loaded for 14 ...
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