Thomas Jafferson's Statement

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Thomas Jafferson's Statement

"Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor."

Yes the statement by President Thomas Jefferson is very much aligned to the current Global Financial Crisis. Rich persons constantly get more affluent while poor persons get poorer, and the middle-class sustains an inaptly imbalanced posture on a financial precipice. This is a general detail of everyday life in corrupt financial schemes driven by, yet, more corrupt groups of regulations working out who really gets wealthy, and how they proceed about doing it. When, for demonstration, paper currency is comprised by the ruling forces of a political regime as worth 100-percent of a rudimentary monetary unit, for example an American dollar, and there lives a amount of prized steel, for example gold or shiny, backing-up those parts of paper with one-dollar, ten-dollar, or 100-dollar allowances of that steel, there isn't any way that the specific specie of paper currency may, at any time, be worth less than the pre-determined set value. This is the only correct way through which a viable financial scheme is born and maintained. When there is no prized steel benchmark carrying paper currency, for example what presently lives under the constraints of the Federal Reserve System, an commonplace part of paper (a Federal Reserve Note), only said to comprise a specific worth, may effortlessly be manipulated, by the scheme that publishes and circulates it, to have a genuine worth of only a part of its purported illusionary value. (Leonard W. 1999)

If, perchance, one-thousand persons select to arrive simultaneously to pattern a new communal compact, and with it a new government, and to collectively convey with them five-hundred-thousand pounds of gold, from which they would pattern fifty-million ...
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