Thomas Jefferson

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Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson

Thesis statement

Thomas Jefferson the "Sage of Monticello" is most often remembered as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, a document which laid the foundation to a still flourishing and centuries old republic. But despite this great achievement other actions of Jefferson can be interpreted as having a less stabilizing influence on the American experiment in republican-democracy. Jefferson's support of the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions laid the groundwork for the latter Nullification and States Rights concepts, which were used to justify southern session. Also the Louisiana Purchase which greatly increased the American domain contributed first to American expansionism and then sectionalism which in turn lead to southern isolation, another cause of the Civil War. The paradox of Thomas Jefferson was that while making great contributions to the success of the United States his actions also inadvertently put the survival of the union at risk.


Thomas Jefferson, a brilliant man, great president, with human flaws, that shaped the future of our country. He owned a successful tobacco plantation. He was a lawyer, was elected to Virginia House of Delegates, was the primary writer of The Declaration of Independence, became the Governor of Virginia, a member of congress, minister to France, Secretary of state, and the United States third president. He used his power to appoint to reward his friends and punish his enemies. He was linked to fathering children with his slave, Sally Hemings. Through out his career his ideas and his presidency set the standards for the shaping of the United States of America.

Having served his country over 50 years, Jefferson, in his early professional life, worked in local government as a magistrate, county lieutenant, and member of the House of Burgesses. During the Revolutionary era, he provided leadership as a member of the Continental Congress, was chosen in 1776 to draft the Declaration of Independence, served in the Virginia legislature until his election as governor in 1779, began to compile his “Notes on the State of Virginia,” and was a member of the Second Continental Congress from 1783 to 1784. He spent the next 5 years in France as commissioner, then minister, built strong diplomatic ties with the French, and witnessed the unfolding of the French Revolution. Upon his return to the United States, he served as secretary of state (1790-1793), where he tangled with the Federalist Alexander Hamilton. He retired for a time to Monticello, but returned to civil service in 1796 as John Adams's vice president. He served as president of the American Philosophical Society from 1797 to 1815, a learned society of accomplished scholars and scientists.

Thomas Jefferson was erudite, a man who constantly endeavored to satisfy his intellectual curiosities. His library contained more than 1,250 volumes; he was considered an expert in math, astronomy, anatomy, physics, mechanics, meteorology, architecture, and botany. In addition, he could read and write in Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, and Italian. He was the embodiment of education and lifelong curiosity for ...
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