Thinking And Language

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Thinking and Language

Thinking and Language


The phenomenon of thinking has been explained as a process which is involved in the manipulation of information either stored in the memory from prior experiences or collected with the help of senses. This phenomenon enables an individual to respond immediately in a particular situation. However, there is defined relation between thinking and language. During the beginning of 19th century, a German philosopher Wilhelm Von claimed that there is a direct relation between language and thinking, and the people all over the world actually think in different manner because of difference in their native languages. Furthermore, an American linguist Benjamin Lee also claimed that the though process of an individual and thoughts are controlled by the language he/she speaks. This paper focuses on the thinking and language, in which main emphasis will be given on the cognition, overconfidence, intuition and language.



The term cognition is derived from the Latin that roughly means reasoning, and involves the knowledge gained through the exercise of the mental faculties, which leads an individual to infer the existence of a type of skill which he call as faculty or mental capacity, it in turn allows an individual to look more closely at the word mind; defined as intellectual authority, acting within the framework of thought, memory, imagination and will. With all this, however, these ways of expressing what is cognition appears not take us very far, but even if we wish to explain or define cognition as a science (Nick & Anders, 2009).

This issue is important because it reflects the understanding of the situation in the system of mental emotion, the main feature and the basis of which is always considered a learning process. In the history of psychology dominated tradition of separation of emotional processes in some areas, as opposed to the sphere of knowledge a fundamental distinction between, for example, the mind and the heart, feelings and knowledge, intelligence and passion. Sufficiently expressed is also a tendency to recognize that comparison of benefit in primary and cognitive processes. Extreme position in this regard is called intellectualism different areas which are considered as the property of emotion or style sensation as a result of the interaction of ideas or a special kind of knowledge (Carol & Diane, 2005).


The term overconfidence refers to the presumption of the human tendency to think that we are better than we really are. In addition, when people say they are 90% sure of something, studies show that they do indeed reason in 70% of cases. However, such optimism is not a bad thing. A person would much harder to face multiple adversities of life if he is incorrigible pessimists. But having too much confidence can play tricks for him. Studies have shown that investors are too presumptuous on numerous transactions on the stock market because they feel more capable than their counterparts (Matthew & Lieberman, 2000). Traders are often very expensive in transaction costs. They cannot stress enough on the fact that the various ...
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