Think Piece

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Think Piece

Think Piece


The advent of media has significantly shaped the cultural and social arrangement of this society. With the advent of print in 15th Century, a significant change has occurred in the social formation of the English society. Every time a new medium emerges brought momentous change; similar was the case with telegram, telegraph, radio, television and the Internet. With the advent of Internet, the notion of global village has came into being, and at the present time, we are actually living in a global village, where every individual in the world is equally far away as a person living next to your house (Mittell, 2003).

This manuscript is principally a think piece, which will elucidate upon the rise of symbolic economy, digitalization and globalization with the advent of one particular medium. The medium, which I have chosen is Television. Came into being with the advent of 20th century, in 1908, television has become one of the most impactful medium of its time. With the advent of television, a new cultural arrangement had come into being, when people started receiving moving images (Johnson, 2009). In 1928, the first moving visual was disseminated through the Television. It was the first occasion that people were able to view lively images on their screen. With the incorporation of advertising over television, the global economy has taken a significant boost as businesses, all across the globe, are able to demonstrate their products globally (Miller, 2007). This phenomenon has expounded the development of various brands and globalization, which was never so rapid and expansive in the past (Taylor, 1995).


It has been a century that television has been there in the society; however, in the last 50 years, the content disseminated through television has significantly changed. In 1960s, the television media has started getting boost, and until the 10th anniversary of the internet it has continuously grew. With the advent of the Internet, things have significantly changed for television. Nevertheless, the transformation of television and its impact upon the social and cultural arrangements, from 1928 till date, has significantly changed the cultures (Caristi, 2005).

It is a historic fact that media was always become a tool to bring cultural revolutions. In the 15th Century, with the advent of Print, a devastating change has occurred in the Christian culture. Before printing, the copies of bible are made through writing; however, with the advent of Gutenberg, printing came into being (Mittell, 2003). Now Bible was printed though this technology, and has significantly changed the minds of Christian community. Before the advent of printing, Bibles were supposed to be in limited numbers, which were only owned by the Church. Thus, for any religious affirmation a common citizen had to visit to the Pope. However, the mass production of bible made its access to every common individual, which eventually become the fall of popes and churches in the English culture (Becker, 2005).

The birth of any new medium is incomplete without the technology. It is actually the technology, which seeds to the advent of ...
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