Theoretical Case Study

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Theoretical case study

Theoretical Case Study


The human psychological functioning is so complex that it is often inappropriate to use a single model or technical advice. Most theoretical attempts to explain all human behavior have failed to achieve their goal, and it is likely to is one of the reasons that a large part of current efforts and interests are directed towards the development of integrated models of counseling in this regard becomes important advisory role each person has the ability to think and act when sets the space and the right circumstances. That space and these circumstances are fed through dialogue in a process-oriented decision making and problem solving in the present. Counseling can teach the individual to deal with anxiety, change way of thinking about things, provide support, advice, comments and information, clarify and thus recognize and accept, the conflicting emotions aroused by certain disturbing circumstances (traumatic experiences such as accidents, deaths mourning nearby, disability, life-threatening diseases, loss of job or home, marital difficulties, or broken relationships that disrupt the pattern of previous life). Unlike psychotherapy, psychological counseling is primarily with problems that have to do with the present life, while psychotherapy focuses on problems that have a deeper root and have to do with past experiences. It is important virtue that helps to increase the autonomy of the person with respect to their social, professional and cultural life. There are tools such as "Here and Now" that allow adequate coping with difficult situations, through an analysis of what is needed and what are the personal and social resources that can be mobilized environment helps to experiment and increase the awareness of how it feels and now, promoting a friendly and empathetic attitude towards oneself, permit and acceptance of any feelings that arise. Therefore, all the issues and aspects related to Theoretical Case Study will be discussed in detail.


Psychological counseling may address the cognitive-mental to the emotional body. This is that the person is considered as a whole that encompasses mind and body, through the patient-therapist verbal exchange as well as a number of proposals aimed at increasing the level of awareness and the achievement of the therapeutic goal. Both therapist and patient engage in active participation in the process. An example of this is advice duels or emotional losses where dueling mechanisms and procedures should be implemented to help advised to do the "homework" for its improvement and, in turn, explain the counselee as unresolved grief can cause problems requiring psychotherapy. Psychological counseling overhead involved in health, social, cultural, prevention, mediation or humanitarian activities such as social workers, qualified nurses, educators, teachers, family lawyers, psychologists, doctors, mediators, family counselors, NGO's, among others (Bordin, 1979).

The issue of prevention is always a difficult subject, it aims to improve health conditions and anticipate tending to avoid damage. However, human psyche is very complex and sometimes happens that what people trying to be a well-meaning advice aimed at avoiding some unwanted causes the opposite effect. Especially in such a controversial issue ...
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