The Use Of Case Study As A Method In International Business Research

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The Use of Case Study as a Method in International Business Research





Theoretical framework1

Problem statement2

Importance of the study2

Aims and objectives of the research2

Research questions3


Case studies4

Other qualitative methods5

Online Surveys5

Online Interviews6

Why Case studies Matter7

Current Use of Case study in Research8

Case study in International business research8

Researcher attitude9

Overlapping Use of Case studies in Research10

Importance of business research and case study11

Application of case study methodology13


General design16

Investigation and Literature Review16


Literature Review of the Study17


Rationale for a Qualitative Study18


Underlying assumption19

Research Limitations19




The purpose of this study was to explore the emerging use of case study in qualitative research fields. The focus was on examining case study in research, and how case studies are used in various ways within the social context of qualitative research environments. This study is qualitative in nature and is guided by two supporting theoretical frameworks, the sociological perspective and narrative inquiry. A multiple case study methodology was used to gain insight about why researchers decided to use case studies or case study in a qualitative research environment that may not be traditionally open to such methods. This study also attempted to identify how case study can strengthen or supplement existing research, as well as what value case studies can provide to the practice of research in general (Cannice 2004, 185-206).

Theoretical framework

Case study is used for more than routine communication and human interaction; it can be a valuable tool in research environments as well. The use of case study in research, however, is largely confined to qualitative approaches. The qualitative research paradigm focuses on people and the subjective meaning that they attach to social phenomena (Chetty 2006, 73-85).

The purpose of this study is to explore the use of case study in qualitative research environments. This study is qualitative in nature and seeks to gain understanding about how case studies and case study can be used to supplement or strengthen scientific research. Using case study (a qualitative approach) in qualitative fields may be difficult as the essence of qualitative and qualitative inquiry is so different.

Problem statement

Qualitative research relies on post positivist claims for developing knowledge (i.e., cause and effect thinking, reduction to specific variables and hypotheses and questions, use of measurement and observation, and the test of theories). Creswell (2005) explained that a qualitative approach employs strategies of inquiry such as experiments and surveys, and collects data on predetermined instruments that yield statistical data. In contrast, qualitative approaches to research assume a constructivist perspective. The focus here is on the multiple meanings of individual experiences, meanings socially and historically constructed, with intent of developing a theory or pattern.

Importance of the study

The purpose of this study is to explore the use of case study in qualitative research environments. This study is qualitative in nature and seeks to gain understanding about how case studies and case study can be used to supplement or strengthen scientific research. Using case study (a qualitative approach) in qualitative fields may be difficult as the essence of qualitative and qualitative inquiry is so ...
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