Theoretical Approach To Management

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Theoretical Approach to Management

Theoretical Approach to Management


In the modern times, the way of working within Organizations has changed immensely. The concepts of management and managers have evolved from being authoritarians giving orders to the team to being team leaders and team players who work with and coordinate the team. Moreover, multiple theories have been proposed about the qualities of effective and efficient managers. In order to better understand about the golden principles of becoming an effective manager; an in depth discussion regarding the relevant theoretical propositions is required.


As mentioned above, being an effective manager is more of a compilation of different and distinct qualities rather than following some magical principle alone. The following points have proven themselves again and again as being the principles for managing effectively and humanely:

Being a Good Coach

Good managers need to be good team players and act as coach and mentor for the team. Moreover, they also need to conduct person to person meetings with the individuals within the team to discuss their problems, compile their strengths and to help them in overcoming their weakness.

Empowering Team and Avoiding Micromanaging

The most important strength of the modern organizational management systems is that the line of authority has been changed extensively. The modern way of team formation and management is built entirely on the concept that power needs to be placed in the hands of the team. This helps in getting diversified ideas along with opportunities for leadership and management development (Nextness, 2011).

Expressing Interest in the Progress and Success of Team Members

An effective manager always takes interest in the progress of the team members and happily forwards their efforts for promotional considerations. Moreover, a good manager also takes interest into the personal lives of the team members.

The reason behind this is that it helps the older team members in having ...
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