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Psychological Theoretical Approaches

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Psychological Theoretical Approaches

Psychological Theoretical Approaches

Role of Personality in Affecting Situational Behavior

It described that Psychology of Personality corresponds to the period from the late 70's to mid of 80. In this case, the time limits are a bit fuzzy because the dynamics of each debate were different. Thus, the heyday of the debate on consistency of the features has not been the same, no coincided with the discussion of inheritance vs. medium in the determination of personality. But, I think we can accept that the picture you have drawn corresponds to the state of Personality Psychology at the turn of the decade the years 70-80. Situate the beginning, of what I have called the creative Personality Psychology at the end of the decade of the 90's and early 2000. Accept this time, with the same flexibility than before. In any case, the reasons that have caused this change occurred in the decade of the 80, and 90 but their crystallization is Current tremendously and there are still s006Fme important aspects that, in my opinion, have not yet been finalized. How would you characterize the current situation of Psychology Personality? First there is a general opinion that, unlike in the previous period, now considered necessary and possible to build a single theory comprehensive and integrated personality (Wortley, 2002).

It was one of the workhorses of most Controversial Psychology of Personality. From better-known critique of W. Mischel in his book "Personality and assessment" of 1968 which showed the lack of situational consistency of behavior, many similar studies have highlighted the limited ability to predict behavior from measurement of features as well as the poor stability their time. Following the traditional the provisions of personality brought into question. These criticisms are literally left out of play all tradition of empirical study of former self at that time.

Wortley offers a two-stage model to demonstrate how situational precipitator and opportunities are related, but separate, concepts that speak to different parts of a crime event. Situational features that precipitate illegal behavior should first be considered. The idea is that crime events would not occur if situational precipitator was were absent or controlled. The logic is simple: if situations do not compel individuals to offend, potential offenders do not possess the motivation to transform criminal opportunity into criminal action.

Next, it is necessary to address what happens when situational precipitators have readied an individual to commit a crime. It is at this time that the “already-motivated” offender considers the instrumental or rational aspects of the opportunity structure he is currently facing (i.e., the risks, rewards, and effort of crime) before deciding whether or not offending is an excellent choice. In all, Wortley's conceptualization suggests that situational precipitator and crime opportunities are temporally linked. That is, once situational precipitators ready an individual for the crime, he then considers the perceived gains and risks of the present crime opportunity.

With an unpleasant aftertaste, and the question of whether was the best choice possible, or if another session would have better than ...
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