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Hermeneutics Course Assignment

Hermeneutics Course Assignment

The Bible comes from a variety of oral traditions that are gradually grouped and put in writing. This slow formation explains why the Bible literary genres and styles are so different and why some books you can identify the authors while others they remain unknown. The Old and New Testament of the Bible also comprises different aspects such as narratives, acts, laws and Psalms etc. In this paper, the significance of Narrative Gen 12:10-20 will be discussed. Then it is followed by the discussion of Law Deuteronomy 21:18-21. The Bible also contains Psalms and this paper discusses Psalm 2 and its poetic features. Later, the Prophets Jeremiah 29:1-14 and Wisdom Proverb 13:22 are also discussed. This paper also discusses the teachings of these topics for today's Christians.

Narrative Gen 12:10-20


Genesis 12: 1-20 is among the well known and theologically most challenging episodes of the Abrahamic narratives. It presents heightened questions about the dealings of God with the people who trust in Him and also ask questions about the nature of faith. There are two characteristics which makes Gen 12: 10-20 similar to the other narrative periscopes present in Pentateuch and that are relative autonomy and the concision. The story of Sara and Abraham's stay in Egypt can be read as an independent narrative piece. Although the story of the narrative certainly echoes the context in which it is written but those resonances are not compulsory for understanding the basic situation. The story can be understood by reading this narrative only. For example, though the story develops with the central point of the marital relationship between Abraham and Sara, it is not necessary that readers must know it before hand, as the troy itself informs the readers that, “When Abram was about to enter the land of Egypt, he said to Sara, his wife …”. All the necessary information which should be known by the reader is present in the narrative. The story of Abraham and Sara in Egypt is described in eleven verses with 34 brief clauses.

Application for Christians

The trials from God always test our faith in two things; faith in God's goodness and the God's sovereignty. He knows our weaknesses and the sins and yet devices the perfect trials in order to bring them in light because He loves His people and that is the message of this text. Abraham faced many tests in his life and every time Abraham's faith increases because God remains faithful in spite of Abraham's failures. This works in the same way for the Christians of today. God never withdraws His presence, love and blessing even when we fail. Abraham failed many times but God remains with him. For example, God told him to abandon his father's house and kindred but he brings lot. His relationships with the lot remained troubled. God protects those who submit their wills to the unjust authority, for example Sara submitted herself to her husband's authority and later she was protected by ...
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