The Vark Analysis

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The VARK Analysis

The VARK Analysis

Summary of the Learning Style

The questionnaire results determine that the subjects learning style is essentially a fusion of the body style and intrapersonal style. The individual demonstrate characteristics of restlessness. . These are the people who cannot sit for long. They just reason better when their bodies are in motion. These attributes are matched with the intrapersonal style of learning. The subject also demonstrates a capacity to march with the rhythm of their own convenience, and can be described by others as shy or antisocial. These individuals relate best to the world from a perspective of independence, through self-reflection.

The Body Style

Individuals with these characteristics are restless. They are hyperactive, those who cannot stay quiet instead. These are the people who cannot sit for long. They just reason better when their bodies are in motion. Better interact with the world through hand contact and body. They love to be physical, love sports, invent, build and dance. When learning or acquiring academic skills, these people will benefit most from activities of body expression, manipulating and touching objects, performing exercises, etc. Examples of professionals with these characteristics include dancers, Professional Athletes, Doctors, Mechanics and Builders.

A Short Summary:

Learn more to manipulate objects.

Feel better learning in motion.

Have good motor coordination and physical ability.

If you sit for long periods cannot think straight.

The Intrapersonal Style

These are people who are often lonely. These are those who march with the rhythm of their own convenience, and can be described by others as shy or antisocial. But away from the labels, these people are not shy, much less born hermits; they just think well when they are left free to pace themselves.

These individuals relate best to the world from a perspective of independence, through self-reflection. The activity these individuals enjoy and are successful at includes ...
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