The Storm

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The Storm


Marriage had been known to be traditionally dominated by the man while the woman is expected to be submissive in all forms. In the late 1800's, women were not expected to express their displeasure in marriage. Marriage was known to be the “happily ever after” indeed. Kate Chopin-being an independent widow after her husband's death - decided to be the voice of the woman of that time by writing stories about how the women feel suppressed and confined sexually and spiritually to their marriage. The general society at that time did not give room for women to be open-minded. The story “The Storm”, was not published immediately until after the death of Chopin, due to its sexual content. This helps to set the reader's mind to the time when the women were not allowed to express their sexual desire. In “The Storm” we see a woman who tries to conform to the societal norm of marriage, but finds another mean to fulfill her sexual desire which gives her joy and satisfaction (Byrne, Ervin & Lambeth, 157-65).


The beginnings of a relationship were often very happy and rewarding: it is generally in tune with his / her partner, we share his interests and thoughts. In general, it lends a lot of attention to the person and the relationship that we have with it. In short, the perfect illustration of happiness. Unfortunately, over time, many obstacles can appear and make romance difficult. These obstacles are often due to the demands of life that make partners disagree to almost see more attention to their relationship.

This lack of attention is not characterized by poor communication between partners. However, communication is one of the foundations of a healthy and balanced relationship. He must try to discuss problems in loving relationships everyday. The Communication is carried through listening to each other and by respecting each other. It should nevertheless be realistic about the effectiveness of good communication. There are almost always problems in a relationship and if these problems are persistent, they do not résolveront not talking 10 minutes for breakfast. You really take a long time to talk and repeat the experience regularly in order to mature the subject. The effectiveness of good communication builds on the long term.

Every couple wants to have a healthy and loving relationship. A healthy and loving relationship is very rare in most homes. With the current economic difficulties and social steps, the institution of marriage becomes difficult to engage in. The number of infighting and uncertainty in marriages is worrying. Marriage breakdowns have become the norm rather than the exception. One wonders whether the statements by the holy books of the institution of marriage being holly and sacred still holds.

Establishing relationships is a necessary and indispensable part of our everyday life. It is also a great pleasure, which allows to derive satisfaction from successful relationships, but also very practical need for the most important social skill that allows us to function normally in society - in a social group, to ...
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