Child Maltreatment In From The Eye Of The Storm

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Child Maltreatment in From the Eye of the Storm


Child abuse is a universal phenomenon that has always existed and all those acts is intentional, not accidental, which by omission or commission, unaware of the fundamental rights of (the) children and, therefore, interfere or alter their overall development danger and put their physical, psychological, social and sexual.

This paper presents answers to questions related to child neglect and maltreatment. The author of the book “From the Eye of the Strom” shares with us her experiences as a social worker. The book highlights the plight of abused children. Even today, children are facing maltreatment from their parents. Neglecting a child; disowning a child; kidnapping one's loved one; beating a child to death; maltreatment at home and at foster care centers are some of the prevailing practices with regard to child abuse. The trend is still continuing.


The case studies of Ren, Gina, and children, who have met with a similar fate, are enough to proof the severity of the situation. The author Cynthia is right in criticizing parents and the foster care administrators, who hesitate to cooperate with social workers for no apparent reason. It seems that parents; particularly the ones belonging to African American community are at fault as they show no interest in the treatment of their children as in the case of Ren and Down Whitaker. The reactions of children were very realistic in nature. Usually the abuse of children comes from parents (father or mother or both) that cannot handle the children and to set clear rules and keep them in time. One of the characteristics of families who abuse children is that they are able to "scratch the court" for children and how they have the authority to validate them against turn to screams, blows and insults. Usually it is very permissive for children, who tend to overwhelm their parents. Children need to feel the safety of certain rules and regulations, as you do not have parents pushing for them to "stop" and they lay down certain ground rules. Most of the time parents do not realize that getting tough enough with them and set rules and limits to children, and holding both ends, and begin to exploit the blows, insults and shouting (Crosson, 56).

The symptoms of a neglected and abused child can be physical or emotional. The physical symptoms cause varying degrees of morbidity and mortality and manifest as traumas, in soft tissues, bones, skin, alterations in the nutritional or toxicological conditions. The quote from Garbarino's Lost Boys mentions: (Crosson, 56).

“What kindles the spark of divinity in a child? And what consigns the human spirit to darkness? We begin our journey to understand lost boys [or any child for that matter: added LXL] by studying the quality of their early relationships, the psychological condition of their early life, and the development of their spirit". "At the heart of the matter is whether the young child is connected rather than abandoned, accepted rather than rejected, nurtured rather than neglected ...
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