The Risk Factors Leading To Heart Disease

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The Risk Factors Leading to Heart Disease

The Risk Factors Leading to Heart Disease


Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in both developed and underdeveloped countries. The fact that numerous researches and literature reviews have stated about the preventive measures and the treatment options has no effect on the prevalence (Torpy, 2009). Assessment of mortality and morbidity in the population leads to preventive measure formulation. The mortality due to cardiovascular diseases is estimated to be 600,000 until the year 2009 in United States of America. The most vulnerable age group of this disease is adults above the age of 40 (Banack, 2012). Majority of the risk factors of heart disease are acquired in the later part of the life while other cases are predisposed by genetic factors and family history. This paper will analyze the risk factors involved in the implication of heart disease and will also create a pathway to the formulation of a database of patient care, treatment or management. The clinical question that we will discuss in this subsequent project is the whether the risk factors are preventable in adult population or not?

The database is dependant on the implications of risk factors on various individuals and also on the populations. The database will depict the best outcome of risk factors and will aid in formulation a comprehensive plan to conduct a healthcare prevention campaign on a large scale. Since heart disease is a commonly occurring and prevailing disease, its prevention should be publicly discussed and mass awareness programs should be conducted in the end.


Risk Factors of Heart Diseases

Many researches and scientific findings have lead to the depiction of risk factors of cardiovascular heart diseases. The most disturbing sign and symptom of heart disease is the onset of cardiac attack or Myocardial Infarction. Moreover, in some cases the first symptom of cardiovascular disease is cardiac death. In some infants this occurs due to weak heart. The major risk factors include:

Age. As the heart undergoes inevitable physiological changes, it becomes vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases. (Torpy, 2009). Men have the higher risk of mortality and morbidity as compared to females to develop. Every one in two men is a patient with cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, one in every three women is a patient of cardiovascular disease.

Family History of heart disease.

High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the major causes of premature mortality in the world. It is predicted that in by the year 2025 around 1.56 billion adults will be affected by the hypertension.

High cholesterol level

Obesity. Globally around 2.8 million individuals die each year of obesity.

Diabetes Mellitus Type I and II. Raised glucose level in blood accounts for 60 percent of the cardiovascular diseases.

Serum lipid levels

Body mass index and Waist circumference

Alcohol intake

No physical activity

40 years of age for the males and 45 years in the case of females is the more vulnerable age that makes the individuals susceptible to acquire this disease. A family history of heart disease either on ...
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