The Relationship Between Technology And Society

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The relationship between technology and society

The relationship between technology and society


It aims to show that the process of development is more than a matter of markets, technological innovation and industrialization, is more linked to a process full use of fundamental human freedoms, such as social freedoms, economic and political. The man has lost the ability to choose their own lifestyle, has limited their freedom, environment, labor is becoming more complex due to technological change and uncertainty it causes. However, the man lingers in front of the few remaining possibilities that the automation, work environment is reduced and the work, the foundation on which to hold the nucleus of society, the family is seriously threatened. Therefore, the innovation technology and its application is not an isolated incident. It reflects a state determined knowledge, institutional and industrial environments including a range of skills available and a network of producers and users in society (Webster, & Erickson, 2004).


It is clear that between science, technology, and society are closely related. And this close relationship could be considered today as indestructible, is, in our time society is so bound up with these two gentlemen that it is impossible to separate them. Not so impossible to separate them, but that would be very difficult to separate. In our time all depends on science and technology, everything is based on technology. And every day that passes this dependence is more, some think there will come a time when this dependence is so broad that then we will be managed by technology. In some ways it is true, today we can realize that in a sense we are driven by technology. Each time you create a new technological invention there we are, we are carried away by technology (Bainbridge, & Roco, 2006).

The technology gives us happiness, we solved many problems, but often bring in addition to these new problems difficult to solve. One of the largest and oldest problems that have brought the technology is pollution, which today is a very difficult problem to control. However, the Techno-Science plays an important role in today's world. Technology along with the scientific research has made offer solutions to the problems we face particular the existence and have allowed the man to get the monitoring of nature and incredibly modify their environment (Webster, & Erickson, 2004).

In the field of technological development our countries are often influenced by the strategies and the degree of technological progress achieved in industrialized countries. We need a particular vision which embraces the reality of our countries, which starts from our culture that is inclusive, where social factors that influence the capacity for innovation are correctly interpreted. It requires help from the state to a culture of innovation to a greater relationship and exchange of knowledge, be able to identify those tools that best suit each situation and create an overall vision for greater cooperation in innovation and technological development. Consider both external and internal sectors (Durbin, 1992).

The economy is now global and this has important effects ...
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