The Relation Between Personality And Prejudice

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The Relation between Personality and Prejudice


The reaction paper is the critical analysis of The Relation between Personality and Prejudice: A Variable- and a Person-Centered Approach by BO EKEHAMMAR* and NAZAR AKRAMI. The research paper is followed by summary with detailed description of the research topic, hypothesis, and methodology used for research along with the result and finding s of the research. Further, the paper constitutes of critical analysis of the research and the relation building of the finding with the personality theory.

Table of Contents



Topic Area2


Results and Discussion3






The Relation between Personality and Prejudice


Topic Area

The reaction research paper is prepared to find that does a relation exist between Big Five and prejudice. Prejudice observed using the person-centered approach and variable approach.The Big Fiver personality trait has been updated and growing since 50 years and researchers have found that these traits are applicable in more than 50 different cultures due to which it has taken the significant importance in the psychology (McCrae & Costa (1987)). The Big Five personality traits are Extroversion (expressive, talkative, excitability and sociability), Agreeableness (trust, affection, kindness and prosocial behaviors), Conscientiousness (thoughtfulness and organized), Neuroticism (emotional instability, moodiness, anxiety, sadness) and Openness (imagination and insight).

RWA (Right-wing Authoritarianism is use to study the social personality or political psychology. It has the attitudinal, correlate and behavioral clusters. RWA includes Authoritarian submission, Conventionalism, Authoritarian aggression.) SDO (Social Dominance Orientation) is a trait of personality, which predicts political and social attitudes. The SDO is used in Social Psychological scale.Hypothesis“Relation between Personality and Prejudice: A Variable- and a Person-Centered Approach.”


The research was conducted with sample of 156 students who did not have the psychology background. The students included were from the medicine, social science, behavioral science, technology, economics and dentistry. The personality instruments and variables were used which included the Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. The Prejudice instruments and variables based on RWA and SDO. The variables included the Modern and Classical Racial Prejudice Scales, the Modern racial Prejudice scale was Sears' classification, which has major three components denial of continued discrimination, antagonism towards minority group demands, and resentment about special favors for minority groups, the scales had nice items. The Classical Racial Prejudice scale was based on old-fashioned racial prejudice, which had eight items. The Swedish Modern and Classical Sexism Scales , where Swedish Modern Sexism scale measures the attitudes towards women and has eight items, whereas Classical Sexism scale is constructed on old fashioned sexism and has seven items in it. The Modern and Classical Attitudes toward Intellectually Disabled Individual scale measure the attitudes towards the mentally disable person containing eleven items on it and Classical scaled has eight items. The Attitude to Homosexuality scale was to measure the attitude of people towards the homosexual that is gays and lesbian, the scale comprises of twenty-eight items.

Results and Discussion

The prejudice scale were analyzed on the pair wise correlation which results to show that the highest correlation present between modern racial prejudice and modern sexism and the least amongst homosexuality and classical racial ...
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