The Reform Of The Election Process In The U.S

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The Reform of the Election Process in the U.S

The Reform of the Election Process in the U.S


In order to change election system of a country electoral reform is established. This can include reforms of voting system like a two round system (runoff voting), Condorcet voting, recall elections, approval voting, proportional representation, and referendums, Eligibility to vote, vote counting procedures, voting equipment and ballot design, rules about political parties, typically change in election laws, nomination rules, ballot access, election district boarders, electoral constituencies, and voter turnout are some other reforms. The elections process provides the voter, effective and equal access to the station for casting their vote. The elections significantly contribute to the democratic government.The election process treats all voters equally and every person's vote is counted as one vote. The voter is guaranteed the right to keep the vote a secret and the free and fair election process guarantees this.

In past three decades U.S has enacted series of electoral reforms. However, yet the electoral reform has not been a permanent feature of health democracy of United States. In this paper I am going to analyze and discuss the problem of election system in United States and eventually will discuss on how it should be reformed. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the flaws in the system along with a road map to solve the problem and attain desire results. President of United States, Obama has established a commission on electoral reforms which come up with recommendations to promote efficient conduct of elections. This paper is going to assist this commission to make the system more effective.


A preliminary goal of the electoral system is to make the participation easy for every eligible individual who is willing to vote. However, in United States even after so many reforms the system is not working properly. It can be seen from one of the iconic images of 2012 presidential election. Elections of 2012 were considered as one of the most disturbing election as voters waited in line for almost nine hours to cast their ballot. There is something seriously wrong with the democracy when voter have to pack both lunch and dinner before going to the polling stations. It was not just a line. Several states passed overly heavy voter ID laws that kept early nuns and WWII veterans from voting. Then there were also demonstration of dirty tricks such as: Robo calls informing people about the postponement of elections, voters were also being told that they could also vote through their phones.

The long waiting lines of voters are a good factor to start and some congress members also realize it. In Congressional newspaper “The Hill” Elijah Cummings of Maryland who is a senior democratic member of Government Reform Committee told that we need to address this problem and compare the voting of this year to the elections in third world countries. Now, it is time for authorities to pass tough federal voters bills of ...
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