Reforms In The Electoral System Of Uk

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Reforms in the Electoral System of UK


The parliament of any country is a vital part of the constitution of the country. There are usually two parts of the parliament of any country, the upper house and the lower house. Both of the houses have to work together and take ahead the matters of the country, if there is a reform in one of the houses there should be a reform in the other house as well, otherwise, the change will not work at all. In the UK, the upper house is called, the House of Lords, and the lower house is called, the House of Commons. There is a need to implement reforms in both the houses, as the current state in the UK parliament has lead to many problems in the parliament. This developed the chances of building the prospect of UK parliament of becoming a Hung Parliament; i.e. a place, where no party can win the election, and the two major parties have to develop a working partnership with the Nationalists, Liberal Democrats or the independents to runt the government, which means that they have to be dependent on the other parties. This has led to a number of problems for the parliament, because whichever of the parties win the country elections, they will have to make a compromise, and join the smaller parties to continue the process of legislation, and they would be dependent on these smaller parties to implement their policies for running the government. This could well result in the dilution of power, and compromise on the passing of new laws, etc.

This thing has also lead to the governments becoming unstable at times because of their dependency on the smaller parties. In general, the people of UK like stability in the parliament, and sometimes, a number of people have an opinion that they do not trust the major political parties of the country, but still, they elect them in the elections, and compromise for stability. This is the story in both the House of Lords, and the house of common, the major parties are facing these problems. The major parties are bound in both of the houses, and they cannot take any step. These big parties have everything to lose in the election, because of the problems they are facing. A number ...
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