Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body by the bloodstream and the lymphatic system. Cancer is not just one disease but many diseases. Cancer affects people of all ages and can even occur in the fetus (Hill, 2004,45). It is a disease that causes about 13% of deaths worldwide and kills millions of people every year. Statistics show that around 75 thousand people die a year, because of cancer i.e., 205 deaths per day this disease is as the second cause of mortality in the country. In 2011, according to end results and Epidemiology it was identified that there were around 1,596,670 males and females with cancer disease and 571000 patients died because of cancer in the same year. These horrifying statistics shows the need to establish programs to develop new and effective drugs for cancer patients.
Thesis Statement
Special needs, economic issues, and process of developing new programs makes it difficult for an enterprise to come up with helpful programs for cancer patients.
Economic issues
Cost is one of the biggest economic factors affecting these programs. This program of developing new drugs for cancer patients is going to cost the company around $360 million, this is an average amount of only one drug that will induced from pre clinical stage to the time it reached to the patient (Bartlett, 2008,7) . This amount is going to cost the company a lot because it is too expensive as we would be required to produce various drugs for different cancer patients. Art laboratory will be required to perform preclinical testing of the drugs and to perform these preclinical tests we would be requiring qualified employees and all of these is not going to be cheap at all. In short we can say that new drug development program for cancer patients can be hindered by the major economic issues (Price). According to me cost is one of the most important economic issues faced by program planners other than price taxes and inflation would also affect these programs.
Special Needs
Patients suffering from cancer are very different from patients suffering from other diseases. Thus they require special attention because of their special needs. Their immune system is usually under attack the immunity of cancer patients is compromised, they ...