The Nature Of Philosophy

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The Nature of Philosophy

The Nature of Philosophy

Socrates behaves as a 'gadfly'; goad the sleeping consciences asleep ideas made easy. This attitude has, for him, consequence of being unloved. “(Châtelet, nd: 75-76). And the image is from Socrates himself that much compares to a gadfly, because pica as a tremelga that the shock paralyzes its prey. The analysis of the text goes by overcoming some issues that are not obvious in the work. Would this work the accurate description of the words of Socrates before the Court of Athens? Is this a way to say what Plato thought about the injustices suffered by Socrates judged not by his philosophy but of course political issues? The work would be a way to demonstrate the pressures of politics over philosophy which for him was a higher form of knowledge and that should drive the direction of the policy? Of course, we do not have the answers to those questions. As for the author's personal position, but it appears their agreement with the arguments expressed in the words of Socrates.

In this sense, the analysis sobrecairá about the arguments, the ideas, the concepts, the problems raised, counterarguments, rebuttals, etc., trying to understand them from the rules learned theoretical approach in the discipline. The work consists of a preamble and three parts. The first is “defense” of Socrates which included dialogue with Meletus, in the second, “pen” and “the expected penalty,” and in the third part, “after conviction” and “those who voted against it,” where Socrates is a reflection on their beliefs of life and death, and the relationship with the gods.

The work is structured in the form of dialogue. The philosophical dialogue emphasizes the role recipient. However, his conduct does not occur peacefully, even because the context does not allow the friendliness. The author does not rely on callers to freedom. It is an indictment to be refuted. Here the indictment, dated January 399 a. C.: “The next accusation writes and swears Meletus, son of Meletus, the village of Piteo against Socrates, son of Sophroniscus, the village of Alópece. Socrates is guilty of not accepting the gods that are recognized by the State to introduce new services, and also is guilty of corrupting the youth. Penalty: death “(Platão. 1999, p.59).

At this time, the city of Athens could not move actions, but a citizen could, however, assuming full responsibility if the charge was not considered by the jury. Meletus was not alone, he had joined the Anito and Licon, with the same rights to the word in court. Understand the accusers that Socrates was “Defendant there yourself busy with matters that were not within his authority, investigating what exists beneath the earth and in heaven, seeking to transform a lie into truth, and teach them to the people” (Platão. 1999. P. 69).

Therefore, Socrates logically focuses on an argument against his opponents, which at times becomes personal. When the philosopher responds to his opponents by refutation, trying to invalidate the arguments ...
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