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Different Ways of Dividing Philosophy


Philosophy refers to the thoughts and ideas that strive to investigate the nature and answer questions regarding the nature. The word 'philosophy' originates from the Greek word the meaning of which is the love of wisdom. Through philosophical discourse, philosopher attempt to develop a body of knowledge that explains the nature. From the historical times to today, the modern science has evolved and made new discoveries based on different philosophical schools of thought. This has lead to the advancement of mankind as man has come to understand more and more about the world he lives in.

Table of Contents




The Beginning of Philosophy1


The Ionian School2

The Milesian School2



The Eleatic School3

The Pluralists3


Ontological pluralism4




Ancient Philosophies7

Eastern Philosophies7

Medieval Philosophy7

Modern western philosophy8

Philosophy of Mathematics8



Different Ways of Dividing Philosophy



Philosophy is the study of universal and elementary problems, like existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. What distinguishes philosophy from other ways of addressing these problems is the critical and systematic approach this field takes and the rational arguments it builds upon. Philosophy is a Greek word that means 'love of wisdom' (Teichmann & Evans, 1999).

The Beginning of Philosophy

The word 'philosophize' was used first by the Greek historian Herodotus (484-424 B.C.). He used the word in the context of having a desire for knowledge and its pursuit to answer the question in his mind. Thus, philosophy means a study and investigation into the nature of things. Usually a philosophical study always starts from the philosophy the Greek philosopher Thales (624 B.C.).

All the philosophers throughout history have taken up the scientific ways of explaining things instead of the poetical and mythological accounts. Most of the philosophers reach the formulation of their thesis by observations and reflections upon the natural phenomenon. The science of philosophy i.e. organized and systematized knowledge has evolved to divide into various branches and schools of thought (Teichmann & Evans, 1999).


Philosophy can divided in many ways, which are listed below: Greek Philosophical Schools Of Thought

The Ionian School

The Ionian school took the first major step of departure from mythological to scientific explanation of natural phenomena. This school of thought was the one that discovered the scientific principles of the intransience of substance, the natural evolution, and the diminution of quality to quantity. They are often called cosmologists, as they were mostly physicists who studied the nature of matter. These philosophers discovered that matter can change its state. Their philosophies were based on abstract reasoning (Fullerton, 2005).

The Milesian School

This school of thought was established in the 6th century BC. There were three philosophers who were the founders of the Milesian school, namely Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes. They brought new opinions that contradicted the commonly held viewpoints on the organization of the world and natural phenomena (Fullerton, 2005). They presented their philosophies of as methodologically observable entities, which were truly scientific in nature.

The Pythagorean School

This school was established by Pythagoras (580-500 BC) it was more religious and mystical than the Ionian school (Fullerton, 2005). Pythagoreanism was the system of esoteric and metaphysical beliefs that were ...
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