The Nature And Practices Of Human Resource Management In Organizations

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The Nature and Practices of Human Resource Management in Organizations

Table of Contents


Human Resource Management3

Training and Development4

Contributions to Strategic Human Management6

Theoretical Background9

Resource Based Theory10

Behavioral approach10

Cybernetic systems11

Transaction costs theory/Agency theory11

Theory of resource dependence13

Institutional Theory13


The Nature and Practices of Human Resource Management in Organizations

The organizations in the current era are focusing upon resilience, performance and leadership. They are aiming upon achieving their goals in a proper and sophisticated manner. The human resources are the most important part of an organziation and they need to be managed and maintained in oredr to attain productivity, performance and good results. This paper will deal with the training and development aspect of the human resource management in the Unilever.

Human Resource Management

In order for the companies to do their work efficiently, they should have the right quantity and quality of people in the right place; this strategy is known as human resource planning. The human resource management has been defined as the science and practice of dealing with the nature of relationships between the employment and the set of decisions, actions and issues linked to such relations "(Ferris, Rosen and Barnum 1995). It addresses policies and practices that consider the use enterprise management and workers as a source of activity in the context of overall business strategy and is aimed at improving productivity and competitiveness. It is a term that often describes,the entrepreneurial approach to management and staff based on the priority given to participation of workers. This happens usually, though not always, in centers of non-union labor, in order to motivate them to increase productivity.

Currently, the HRM focuses on the techniques of work in organization, which include recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, training, improvement of qualifications and career development, and direct participation of workers and communication. The human resource management has been proposed as an alternative to "Fordism", the traditional type of production based on the assembly line, in which engineers dealing with the organization of work and assignments are divided and the staff is specifically restricted (Mayo, Elton, 1945).

These functions residedin the same type of organization values and fixing the specific management problems in a certain period of operation of the organization is called the stage, and the periods in which the organization fundamentally changes the intrinsic values and orientation is known as the development cycle. That must be considered when developing the organization's strategy and management of human resources. The concept of strategic human resource management dictates the choice of the active personnel policy as opposed to a passive and reactive policies of the traditional models of human resource management. The responsibility for the implementation of an active policy rests not only on the organization's top management and HR-manager, but also to the line managers (heads of departments). Thus, the work of managers of all units is integrated into the system of personnel management.

Training and Development

It is the first stage of development of individual or group of individuals that is characterized by a programming curriculum in any discipline that gets the individual's educational levels reach ...
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