The Movie Food Inc And Moral Issues

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The Movie Food Inc and Moral Issues

The Movie Food Inc and Moral Issues


Healthy food is really essential for good health. Consumer should what exactly they are eating. It is their right to have full information in hand about the product they are consuming. Eating unhygienic food can have an adverse effect on health. Also, keeping animal in clean environment is not only beneficial for animals but also for humans as well. Consumer laws should be implemented effectively in order to keep consumer safe. The living mood of civilians today is much better than before. Most of civilians initiate towards pay spotlight their consideration onto health. They need towards possess a nice body and skirt catching diseases. Therefore, they spend much moment onto foods which possess tall quality. Indeed, the nice choice onto foods shall possess a great influence onto the nutrition we gain. We can say food is a meaningful cause of nutrition a person needs. In this paper three letter considering the ethical theories will be written to the concerned authorities in order to bring the issue of unethical issues in their consideration.


Corporations only care for profits and sometimes in the greed of money, violate consumer rights and play with health of consumers. For instance; the case of McDonald's is a classic example of consumer backfire. In 1999, Jose Bove initiated an anti globalization movement, and was thrown behind bars for sabotaging McDonald's restaurant, he claimed that French people support his move. Around 40,000 thousand French citizens showed their support (Roberts, 2001). However, French people were not the only to support it, but McDonald's faced hostility in around 50 countries.

Letter 1:

Pretend that you are Peter Singer. Explain to the GMA, on utilitarian grounds, why these multinationals' business practices are morally wrong. Be specific about the practices you elect to discuss and the moral reasons for objecting to them.


Grocery Manufacturers Association

I would like to bring the attention of the concerned personnel's into the fact that food ethics is one of the main concerns almost in every walk of life but in the food. But the grocery manufacturers should not forget that one of the most influential in business ethics is the theory of utilitarianism. According to my view, the most effective criteria could serve as the extent, to which a course of action and existing laws, and the usefulness and harmfulness of activity (according to the assessment of its effects). An action is lawful from an ethical point of view is, and only if the total useful effect of this action is more than the total useful effect of any other action, which could be done instead of the first. Thus, the principle of utilitarianism requires the ability to quantify the benefits produced by taking actions, the possibility of adding and calculating the difference between the amount of benefits and the number of negative results, so - and the ability to determine which actions will maximize the net profit or the minimum absolute ...
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