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The Influence of Celebrities to the Influence of Parents

The Influence of Celebrities to the Influence of Parents

The environment of a child molds them into the person they will become as an adult. Two of the biggest influences in their lives are parents and celebrities. There are positive and negative influences with both sets of role models. Seeing behavior of other people affects their mental and social development as they grow. It seems today that younger children are trying to act older than they actually are. Pressure from parents and celebrities could be responsible for this behavior and change in identity (Goldman, 2011).

Parents are the initial influence in their children's lives. If parents have good morals and confidence so will their children. But if children see their parents displaying negative behaviors such as smoking, or abusing drugs and alcohol, or even possessing low self-esteem, the children will believe it is acceptable and are more likely to do so.

Celebrities can have positive and negative effects too. Some celebrities participate in community service and they try to encourage others to help people in need as well. But negative influence is instilled in their fans. For example, girls are pressured to be skinnier and prettier, because that is what they see women look like in magazines. Sex sells and the media know that. It is also dangerous for children and teens to become obsessed with celebrities and everything their lives entail. The infatuation takes over their own lives.

Family is the primary institution in the lives of individuals, with mother being the first teacher. Parents influence the life of an individual in multiple ways. The kid looks at the lifestyle of his parents and tries to adapt with them, therefore following everything that he looks at.

Celebrities start to appeal to an individual in teen years mainly while he/she is attracted towards the opposite gender and is overly concerned with feelings that they want to look good. Once they fall into the teenage traps, they look up to celebrities for every minor update from the fashion world in the lust to look good and current (Goldman, 2011).

Celebrity Effect

Celebrities can affect the community in the most constructive ways if they want to. They are aware of their impact on young fans and for good or bad their photographed experiences make an impact on young minds and opinions about which actions are acceptable or cool. The photographic exploitation they participate in is usually portrayed as relating to fashion, art, physical attractiveness and make ups that sets a very odd impression to the young minds.

Celebrity Power

Famous people are followed by many people around the world and followers are sometimes willing to follow them into anything that they are involved with. The impact they leave could be positive and collectively beneficial to the global community. For instance, a movement against smoke emitting vehicles can be initiated by a celebrity. However, this does not happen in all practicality: the influence they usually set forth on young minds ...
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