The Influence of Hotel Brands on Travelers' Purchase Decision to Hotel Accommodation
Brand extension, is the reintroduction of a brand that was previously marketed, but has been updated. To coin a phrase, "What's old is what's new." We are a culture built on history, and history has a tendency of repeating itself. There are a lot of new products being reintroduced to the market. Today's consumer environment thrives on brand identities, Product differentiation, and competitive imitations. The success of retro branding, be it with music, movies, fashion, automobiles, furniture, etc., has sparked tremendous interest with marketing practitioners and analysts. It is believed that, classic brands not only embodies the moral values of craftsmanship and lasting value but also goes back to a time when the world was safer, more comprehensible, and much less commercial. As we grow older we tend to identify with certain products that spark nostalgia. Old brands sometimes bind communities with common interests or activities, and or events. They can sometimes evoke memories of a more carefree, peaceful and happy past, giving the consumer a sense of "love and belonging", that might be shared by a community. The new millennium is not just a new beginning; it is a continuation of trends in human behavior that have been following cyclical patterns throughout our country's history. Just because we have entered a new era does not mean we have to start from scratch when it comes to interpreting why certain consumers are loyal to certain brands, and what type of factors influence these allegiances. Brand Loyalty is the consumer's conscious or unconscious decision, expressed through intention or beavior, to repurchase a brand continually. It occurs because the consumer perceives that the brand offers the right product features, image, or level of quality at the right price. Consumer behavior is habitual because habits are safe and familiar. In order to create brand loyalty, advertisers must break consumer habits, help them acquire new habits, and reinforce those habits by reminding consumers of the value of their purchase and encourage them to continue purchasing those products in the future. This paper discusses the influence of hotel brands on travelers' purchase decision to hotel accommodation in a concise and comprehensive way.
Table of Content
Objective of the Study7
Conceptual Background10
Search, Experience, and Credence Attributes12
Brand Cues13
Research Hypotheses15
The Sample18
The Survey18
Intrinsic Cues21
National Reputation21
Objective Product Rankings22
Media Reviews22
Extrinsic Cues23
Personal Referrals23
Implications for Practitioners28
Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research32
Revitalizing or reinventing a brand sometimes lies on realizing a brands heritage and its societal, personal and cultural associations and using marketing mix variables in repositioning the product. "Familiar slogans and packages", says the author, "can invoke brand heritage and evoke consumer's memories of better days, both personal and commercial." The success of a brand revival can be dependant on whether or not the product is exactly duplicated, or a retro mix that combines an old product with cutting edge innovations to create a synergy of old and new.