The Importance Of Coaching

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The importance of coaching

The importance of coaching


In the paper the discussion focuses on the importance of coaching for an individual. The paper discusses how coaching is different from other methods of teaching and learning. The paper also discuses how coaching can be directive and non directive. It discusses the benefits and the drawbacks of these two. It also explains why coaching is necessary for the employees in an organization.

Coaching is a developmental process for training and teaching, through which an individual receives all the support that he can get for the achievement of a very specific professional and personal goal or a result. The individual who receives coaching is referred as a coachee or a client. This term can also be applied to a relationship that is informal, among a couple of individuals in which one of the persons has a greater expertise and experience than the other. The one with the superior expertise is in an important position to offer the other with the necessary guidance and experience, as the other undergoes the learning experience. Coaching of this form can be vey similar to mentoring. This explains the very nature and purpose of coaching, and what significance it has on both, the coach and the coachee, for that matter.


The methodologies, structures and models that relate to coaching are numerous in nature. These can be designed in a special way for meeting the requirements for learning and thinking, along with the development of a new kind of behavior for professional growth and development. Coaching also aims at developing the skills of an individual so that he can progress in his career and reach the top of the ladder. Other types of coaching assist a coachee for improving the physical skills, for instance sports or art performance. Many coaches use a specific style of asking questions and throwing opportunities that challenge the coachee to look for answers within his own self. This assists the learners for discovering the answers in a way that is entirely different and is mostly based on the preferences, values and perspectives that are very unique.

When coaching diverts its focus at assisting the emotional and psychological development and growth, it must be differentiated from the counseling and therapeutic disciplines, as the clients who receive coaching in most of the cases are considered to be very healthy. The purpose and idea of coaching is to assist the coachee or the clients to continue moving in a forward direction, whatever that direction might be, and ensure that they manage to achieve the desired goals in life. Apart from all this, the counselor or the therapist may also work from an important position with authoritative doubts. However, they can't go about claiming the ignorance positions that are very essential for the coaching. This is because of the knowledge assessment that defines their work. There are two types of coachings, that are discussed as under;

Directive Coaching

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