Executive Coaching

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Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching


Coaching is appearing as a foremost expert development and presentation enhancement process. There are, although, couple of expert development programmes directed at advisers themselves, and no internationally identified requirement or expert standard. Much of the publications on advising has been in writing by those with a human psychology viewpoint, and especially psychotherapeutic advances to support.

Article Analysis of Examining the Effectiveness of Executive Coaching on Executives by Helen Paige.

According to Helen some psychotherapeutic methods suppose longer period connections between the adviser and the coachee. Many enterprises and managers themselves, although, request concentrated answers to direct problems. This item boasts mature individual discovering idea, and expressly transformative discovering, as an alternate or aligned theoretical form for underpinning the advising processes. All advisers, although, require to be cognizant that the advising method may open up deep-seated concerns, some of which are more appropriately addressed by a psychotherapeutic approach. Hence, a dynamic mesh form of advising is suggested, in which psychotherapists and non-therapists cooperate to help their mutual expert advising development, discovering and support.

Executive coaching is one of the fastest growing executive development processes in adult learning. While it has been suggested by some authors that executive coaching has developed into an industry overnight, the process appears to have been more gradual. There is general agreement however, that as a learning process, executive coaching is still 'forming its identity'. Due to new organizational cultures and structures placing a premium on the executives who head public and private corporations, executives must expand their knowledge base to analyze and comprehend the many changes that are happening around them. Not all executives are able to adjust easily to these expectations, or balance the many competing demands and pressures their position may entail.

In such circumstances organizations are often willing to provide an executive coach for senior managers. While the field of one-to-one executive coaching is expanding quickly, there is a dearth of research on this subject. This paper seeks to explore the impact of executive coaching on five executives, and takes two broad directions. Firstly, conversations with executives were examined to identify the views that emerged from the data. Secondly, the conversations were examined in the light of a model of evaluation devised by Guskey.

Initially one transcript was examined and noted specifically for codes, concepts, themes and ideas in order to develop and compare major coding categories. Codes and themes were added, dropped, or refined as necessary during subsequent readings of the transcripts. Issues of interest and importance, key words, and the identification of direct quotes all of which could be used in the reporting of the study were also noted. The same coding process was then applied to the balance of the interview transcripts and seventeen major themes eventually emerged. The data were analyzed from two perspectives. Firstly, searching for themes and sub-themes, which were then further refined and collapsed into six overarching themes and then into three principal categories with a series of sub-themes. Secondly, by reference to Guskey's (1998) five critical levels ...
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