The Impact Of Substance Abuse

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The Impact of Substance Abuse


[Name of supervisor]

The issue of substance abuse is one the very complex medical problems. As it not only the problems of will, it directly affects the brain of an individual. Along, with that there are an extensive amount of negative feelings associated with problems of substance abuse. Many health professional prefer to neglect the use of terms such as "addicted", "drugged" or "addiction". They speak instead of "problems of substance abuse" and "people with problems of substance abuse."

Substance abuse refers to the lenience of an individual towards the dependence and consumption of a certain drug or some other chemical, which deteriorates an individual of his mental and physical health. This stipulation is exemplified by a mold of unremitting pathological use of a drug or state of drug addiction, resulting in a set of repetitive unsympathetic social and economical consequences related to the abuse of drugs, which involves the inability of an individual to meet his daily work obligations, along with his conflicts taking place at school or matters of the family, and it also results in the development of legal and interpersonal issues. This debate regarding the identification of exact differences between substance abuse and drug dependence still continues, but the researchers suggests certain standardized practices, which distinguishes them from one another, as according to them the dependence of an individual on a particular substance reflects the behavioral and physiological symptoms of substance and abuse substance use in terms of the social consequences that are associated with substance abuse.

Substance abuse could very easily lead an individual towards substance dependence or substance addiction. According to many doctors the physiologic dependence requires the development of forbearance, which leads an individual towards a set of physiological symptoms of withdrawal. However, many studies suggest that both dependence and abuse are two completely distinct from addiction. As addiction involves a compulsion towards the continuous us of a substance despite knowing about negative consequences of the particular substance, and may or may not involve physiologic dependence.

There are drugs like Depressants which includes; (Alcohol, barbiturates and benzodiazepines), stimulants which includes; (Amphetamines, cocaine, MDMA (Ecstasy)), and hallucinogens which includes; (LSD) and narcotics (by former. codeine, heroin and morphine) are some of the most common examples of substances of abuse. Anabolic steroids are sometimes caught in an abusive manner to improve athletic performance (Mary Butler, 2008).

In this article the authors have presented a report published by the National Drug Intelligence regarding the effects of substance in the United States of America in the year 2007, the country has seen an apparent increase in the use and abuse of various illicit drugs, including heroin, marijuana and methamphetamines." The drug caused economic losses in excess of 193,000 million dollars in 2007 in the U.S., where Mexican traffickers dominate the market, according to a report released by the Department of Justice.

The report published by the National Drug Intelligence consisted of seventy two pages; the report highlighted an apparent increase in the use and abuse of various ...
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