The Great Sphinx

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The Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx


The Great Sphinx Situated about six miles West of Cairo lies The Great Sphinx at Giza; the oldest monumental stone sculpture in the world. At its highest point of 21 meters and length of 74 meters, not even Mt Rushmore (at a mere 18m) can compete. The mouth, with its enigmatic smile, caused by erosion and ancient vandalism rather than design, is 2.3 meters across. The nose is 1.7 meters on an immense face at 4.2 meters in breadth. The body is the shape of a lion and wears a headdress upon its head. It is said that the gigantic monument was a sculpture created for and of King Chepren over 4,500 years ago. If that is the case, it would be the oldest known portrait. The Sphinx faces East, toward the Nile Valley. The placement of the figure is said to be derived from the zodiacal sign of Leo, since it was during its summer month that the Nile began to flood. It is lined up and has the perfect 'reflection' of the constellation. "Sphinx" comes from the Greek word 'Sphingein' which means to struggle. Although it is unknown what the Great Sphinx was originally called by the Egyptians, it is referred to circa 1500 BCE as Hor-em-akht - Horous in the Horizon, Bw-How (Place of Horus) and also as Ra-horakhty (Ra of Two Horizons). (Watson 2009)


In the middle of the paws of the Great Sphinx, is where the Dream Stela is placed. The story on the Stela is about how Prince Tuthmosis was hunting one day and fell asleep in the paws of the Sphinx (when most of the Sphinx was covered in blown sand).In his dream the Sphinx spoke to him, promising the throne of Egypt in return for clearing the sand from its body. Tuthmosis cleared the sand and so the Sphinx made him King of Egypt. (Schoch 2009)

It is thought that, given the evidence of the stela, Prince Tuthmosis was the younger brother whose el der brother - the heir to the throne - died before he could inherit the throne (the Dream Stela may also show a hint of the power struggle that was going on between the princes for the ultimate power of kingship). Both the nose and the beard of the Sphinx are missing. There are many theories for why they are no longer attached. One is that, very simply, they have fallen off because of old age and erosion. Napoleon's artillerymen have also been blamed for using the face of the Sphinx for target practice. That, or because white supremacy caused Napoleon himself to blow off the nose because it reminded him too much of a Black's majesty. Some believe this theory isn't true because cannons and military machines were not created at the time. Also, it is said that the nose was gone long before Napoleon arrived in Giza. People also believe that either the British troops (in World War 1), German troops (in World War ...
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