The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby: Introduction

        In today society, many people like to follow the current. They want to catch the wave. Which mean, it does not matter if things were good or bad, right or wrong, they just follow and do them without any thinking. Therefore, there are not too many people would like to be a normal, thoughtful nor neutral person. However, in the novel, The Great Gatsby, by Scott Fitzgerald, one of the character name is Nike Carroway, he was the good and neutral narrator. It was because, in the novel, he analyzed all of the things with regard to accuracy of observation.

In The Great Gatsby, when Mr.Gatsby told Vick he wanted to return the past over again with his lover- Daisy, Nike Carroway warned him to give it up, because it was impossible. Unfortunately, Mr.Gatsby was not believe it. So at the end, Mr. Gatsby's dream still had not came true because Daisy did not break up with Tom and go with him. It can be seen in the last chapter on the novel, when Gatsby was murder, Daisy went to somewhere else with her husband, and did not go to Gatsby's funerary.        

Nike heard it, but when Nike had a chance to have a lunch with Gatsby, he told Nike, he was an Oxford man and show him that fought in World War One. Then Nike knew Gatsby was neither a German Spy nor a murderer.      

It is so clear that Nike was a trustful man, so, by his injustice information, and his truthful and accurate observation, the reader were sure that he is standing on neutral position, and the person who does not follow other people. By his Fantastic personality - does not believe everything nor what most other people said easily, it shows that Nike can standing on neutral position truly because of his knowledge and clever.        

In the novel, Nike was also a neutral narrator too because he is the narrator who described everything clearly and accurately. He was trustful because he described everything without any personal point of view; By the way, throughout the whole story, he didn't defenses for any characters nor put any of his self-feeling in it. That's why he is a character who strived for neutrality.         

Furthermore, at the end of the novel, when Daisy drove Gatsby's car and killed Mrs. Wilson in a car ...
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