The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby


Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby is a testimonial to the 20's, with all its charisma, music, fashion and unrestrained behavior. It is mainly a advisory tale about the American dream and recommended that there are few things in life that money just cannot buy. The postwar era in America is characterize by Fitzgerald as amoral, dishonest and basically we are responsive that this is a society that has been thrown headlong into the chase of hedonism without recourse to ethical or social values ??in the beginning of America's prewar.

Body: Discussion and Analysis

The story of Gatsby is disclosed with the constant voice, calming of Nick Carraway, an unwitting participant in this story, which is coincidentally a neighbor of Gatsby, Nick is embroiled in this tale of ambiguity, charm and love rewarded set against the background of Long Island New York fashion. Gatsby is concerned in this callous hedonism throwing lavish parties on a weekly basis for the groups of hanger-on's who have never met their host, but the reason of Gatsby is more compound than their party-goers (Fitzgerald, 1995). Gatsby is characteristically a man shaped by the poverty of his youth and driven, adolescent as it may seem, to renew their relationship with the body of a perfectly plastic Barbie doll Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby's past is doubtful and this contributes to the sense of ambiguity about Gatsby that Fitzgerald worked up during the opening chapters of the novel(Fitzgerald, 1995).

Gatsby certainly are not his real name, precisely how he amassed his empire of wealth over that we are never safe, although definitive doubtful past linked to the Jewish mafia and smuggling among other criminal activity is confident. But Gatsby is in love with Daisy, who is unexpectedly, the cousin of our friendly storyteller, and Gatsby has spent his whole mature life to creating a world for Daisy is living. It is a world of noticeable luxury, parties, rumor and decadent charm, a world betray Gatsby believes he loved her margarita. What Daisy and Gatsby were once in love is clear, back in 1917 as he trained official to be found in Louisville (Mizener, 2005). Conversely Daisy Gatsby comes from the upper class, who have made ??their money in conventional ways and it is exactly this difference in the class that will eventually betray that Daisy and Gatsby and his dream to stay in her unhappy marriage horrible , only the husband leaning, old-monied well Tom Buchanan.

Tom Buchanan is Daisy's wealthy husband; he is from a powerful and socially solid old family with money. He is arrogant and a bully. Tom is a hypocrite and does not try to live up to the moral standards he demands to those around him. Tom does not have any moral problems with his extramarital affair with Myrtle. Jay Gatsby is daisy former lover. He is very wealthy and lives in a great mansion, but no one knows the true reason why Gatsby is ...
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