The Goal By Eliyahu Goldratt

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The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt

The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt

About the Author

Eliyahu Moshe Goldratt (March 31, 1947 - June 11, 2011) was born in Israel in a family of rabbis. He received the degree of Bachelor of Science from Tel Aviv University, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Bar-Ilan. Goldratt was one of those rare people who will live after death not only in the hearts and minds of his loved ones, but also in the daily actions of millions of his followers. Eliyahu Goldratt left behind a wonderful legacy different from the conventional way of doing business. Eliyahu Goldratt has been a mentor, author, scientist, philosopher, and business leaders. But most importantly - he was a thinker, who made us think of others. He is often described as unconventional, stimulating the actions of man, not afraid to "cut sacred cows" - Goldratt urged his listeners of the need to evaluate and revise their ways of doing business under a new, fresh angle.


The Goal represents a particular company but also, paradoxically, can be any company located in the world. Goal reflects the situation of those under the management driving an organization, regardless of the type in question. Alex Rogo in the first instance is the stereotypical manager. His management style is based on traditional values ??of missing perceptions and views all internal events that make the organization work towards its own end. An organization needs to increase the ability to learn about themselves and to learn what is effective to guide their development. However, we can say that Alex Rogo, was able pick up the gauntlet, and although casually asked for help at the most difficult times for your company. He had paradigmatic paralysis. With outside help and clearly, with the objective to achieve, he could reverse a situation in a short time to spend getting from one crisis to another in a flourishing state.


Basically, he made ??a change in the way they acted and thought, making them traditional methods, or rather, combining traditional methods but analyzed from a different perspective. Finally, a change is in the desire to try, knowing it leads to a goal, locating each gear in place, engaging and mobilizing all resources of the organization through a shared vision. The leader is an ordinary person who is significant because it systematically searches for innovative, enthusiastic people to get it and work hard to bring it into practice. He was on the look-out for change, responded to it and exploited it as an opportunity. Its focus interest is the capacity of detection and error correction together with the handling quality information.

No doubt all these actions led to Alex Rogo able to emerge from a situation almost inevitable positioning it as a reference for a new way of associated with managing innovation and continuous improvement, since this also about. You can never say "this is the best" is always possible to optimize it. As was directed particularly endorse this process of change was ...
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