The Final Proposal

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The Final Proposal

[Date of Submission]



Models of Maturational/Developmental Parenting3

Socially Conscious Parenting4

Behavior Modification4

Therapeutic/Counseling Parenting5

Democratic Parenting6


The Final Proposal


In the field of child development, a substantial amount of research is supported by sound theoretical principles that underpin parenting. The development of parenting is informed by a variety of models. This paper will address the brief descriptions of major parent education philosophies and theories and in family life education, will identify different parenting theories.


Models of Maturational/Developmental Parenting

The stages and ages of youth and children are the focus in this model. To adjust responses and expectations to the child's needs and level, a parent will be helped by the assumptions regarding the know-how of normal child development, which also are the basis of this model. Many discipline concerns take care of themselves if they are provided with developmentally appropriate expectations and environments (Stiffelman, 2012). The child will get help to polish his or her skills and current state that in total will help him, or her to move to the next stage if opportunities and activities coordinated with the child's development are provided by the parents.

In combination with other philosophies, this approach is used by some parenting materials. A close connection between program recommendations and developmental research, expectations to the current level of the child, need to adapt materials and respect for individual differences, are the values inherent in the approach. However, the emphasis is minimal on management of behavior of the child. Goal focus on advancing the development of the child, more focus on the needs of children than the parents, different guidelines for the different age groups of children, instructions for making activities and rules developmentally appropriate and descriptions of normal developmental expectations and tasks, are the materials that are looked by this model.

Socially Conscious Parenting

Focus on working for a social change, recognition about families and children operating in a larger social environment and the clear underlying values, are the three ways that make the materials in this category unique. An emphasis on respect for others and self, empathy, and social change are the philosophical base that defines these materials. Celebration of diversity, creative and non-violent conflict resolution and affirmation skills are the other common themes. In comparison to others, it pays more attention to life style. The implications of life style choices for others and the values of ecologically responsible living and simplicity are stressed in this model by authors.

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