The Ethical Basis Of Law And Business Management

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The Ethical Basis of Law and Business Management


Ethics are an important component of every field in life. Be it your personal life or professional life. Ethics play an important part in business and workplaces. This helps an organization to create goodwill among the industry and the customers. One of the big plagues on business ethics is sexual harassment which is also an unlawful. The victim and the harasser can be either a woman or a man or can be of the equal sex. Even if some business ethical codes does not prohibit simple teasing, or secluded incidents that are not so grave, harassment is punishable when it became regular or brutal that it creates an unreceptive or unpleasant work atmosphere or when its outcome is an unfavourable employment decision, for instance in leaving the job. (Tanri, 2004, pp. 476). The main purpose of this assignment is to prove the point that being more ethical and socially responsible in business increases efficiency in the workplace.


Ethics in business plays an important role in preserving the rights of all the entities related with a certain company or entrepreneur. For instance, it prepares better and creates moral managers, which from the other side these managers have distinct and exemplary attitude with stockholders and employees.

Furthermore, moral managers treat stockholders equally and with the same fairness and honesty as they would treat their shareholders. Most importantly moral managers not only make sure that the code of ethics is implemented in every field of the company, but they enhance its development. In relation with their employee, moral managers treat them fairly and with dignity and they respect employee rights, liberty and ethical choices. Also, moral managers have high regard for customers, they introduce them safe and legal products with a reasonable price by not tricking them (Lucy, 2011, pp.605).

So for a successful business one area that should get top priority is ethics, because it helps in facilitating the path for achieving organizational goals. Since, in most operations in a business, these days are run by personal computers it's needed to be explained the IT ethics in organization. IT ethics these days deal with a range of additional issues (beside that of the use of PC) together with copyrights, computer law, anti cyber piracy etc. What is to be underline is that the main goal of IT ethics is the incorporation of human principles in the development process of technologies.

Needless to say that even in the IT ethics there are born some management issues. For instance in a business managers through the IT may have a huge amount of information regarding their employee, which from a third party this would be considered as unethical because of privacy maters (Judith, 2004, pp. 25).

Importance of Business Ethics

A business should have a positive influence on its immediate surroundings and the people that live in the community by creating jobs and playing a significant role in the economical and social welfare of the community. The effect of unethical practices by ...
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