Business Management

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Business Management


This paper is based on three parts and each part holds different set of requirements. The first part is based on Discussion on how to use a mixed methods approach in the research study of How African American Women in executive position in Law Enforcement are underrepresented.

The second part is based on evaluation of literature of Kaplan and Norton's Balanced Scorecard framework and one other strategic management system. It has also compared and contrasted the two systems based on value to management namely FBI's and Healthcare. There is a detailed discussion on balanced scorecard with a rationale of its implications on leadership style, company strategy, and corporate social responsibility.

The third part of this paper is based on analyzing the ethical practices and behaviors that are critical to business management and to the success of organizations. It also helps in justifying the response in detail by comparing and contrasting examples from current practice outlining theoretical concepts and industry guidelines.

Table of Contents



Problem Statement6

Problem Background6

Purpose of the Study7

Theoretical Framework9

Overview of the Study10

Research Questions11

Significance of the Study11

Literature Review12

Critical Race Theory13

Research Design16




Qualitative Research Techniques19

Quantitative Research Techniques19

Philosophy of Mixed Research Method21

Strengths and Weakness of Mixed Research Methods22

Data Analysis22

PART 224

Kaplan and Norton's Balanced Scorecard framework and Army Strategic Management System24

Army Strategic Management System26

Comparison and Contrast of FBI and Healthcare strategic management systems26

Balanced Scorecard27

Implications of Balanced scorecard on Leadership Style29

Implications of Balanced scorecard on Company Strategy32

Implications of Balanced scorecard on Corporate Social Responsibility32

PART 334

Ethical Practices and Behaviors in Business or Organizational Settings34

Comparison and Contrast with Current Practice34

Code of Ethics36

Importance of Business Ethics36

Creating an Open Environment37


Trustworthiness and Honesty37

Ethical Practice and Behaviors for Business Management38

Enticing New Employees39

Impact of Code of Ethics on Work Practices39



How African American Women are underrepresented in getting executive position in Law Enforcement sectors


The topic of the study is of crucial nature that covers vast area of knowledge related to the African American women and the cases of underrepresentation in getting executive positions in the law enforcement sectors. The study has also taken critical race theory into consideration while addressing this issue, as it provides the basis on which this discrimination is based upon. There are various factors that need to be studied for identifying the issues that African American women at executive positions are facing in law enforcement agencies. The political culture and ideological climate of the cities are affecting the abilities of women in gaining positions in municipal policymaking.

There was a time when women were not allowed to gain executive positions in any of the sectors, things have got much changed for American women but for African American women things have not yet changed to that level. White American women have somehow gained attention of the political parties but African American women are still underrepresented in law enforcement area. This thing is really creating problems in the way of African American women that are totally against the human rights and equality. All the women of United States should be treated in a similar way and there should be no ...
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