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The Effects Of Teen Mothers In Foster Care And The Challenges They Have To Prepare For Their Future Compare To Non-Teen Mothers In Foster Care

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The effects of teen mothers in foster care and the challenges they have to prepare for their future compare to non-teen mothers in foster care

Thesis Proposal

Research Questions

Our research objectives associated with the research question shall be:

What are the issues and challenges experienced by teen mothers in foster care?

Foster Care has been an important part of society as we speak. These days, people tend to suggest and acknowledge that foster care has paid a significant role in promising a healthy, sustainable and long-term for a lot of children in the society. These days, with inflation, expenditure and economic crisis taking toll, breeding children has become a major hurdle for families. People and family structures in the West and East both have accepted this service as a critical part of their society.

While many people tend to induct women and guardians who take care of children, it must be highlighted that are ample challenges associated with the caretakers and the services that they provide as young teen mothers and as non-teen mothers. Teen mothers, belonging to the age bracket of 12-18 years of age have a relatively difficult time, trying to render their services towards the development and growth of children.

This is because teens are young themselves; a major role of puberty and hormonal changes tend to work way with these young women who are in the beginning of understanding their own reason of existence, exploring and understanding themselves and the kind of problems and situations that encircle them in the surrounding they live. This, although seems a burden onto girls, but it ultimately becomes beneficial for them to make way for receiving experience at a much earlier age.

How would one compare to the experiences of teen- and non-teen mothers and their performance in the area of foster care?

This needs to be considered since it would be easier to identify the problems and situations associated with the avenue of child development and grooming of each individual in the area of creating the best and most effective representation created in the area of foster care. With an understanding of the comparison between the two broad heads of guardians, it would help us give out a more effective and efficient representation regarding the problems associated with foster care experienced by teen mothers and non-teen mothers.

Are non-teen mothers any better than teen mothers?

This becomes a driving force since on a lot of occasions, it has been highlighted that non-teen mothers relatively have a much firm footing in the area of development and comprehending the kind of problems and situations associated with the problems

Our basic motivation shall be to adopt a qualitative, secondary research approach, which shall give out a more analytical skills and analysis, which will help us understand and comprehend the kind of problems and situations associated with foster care. That way it shall help make a better recommendation and understanding and comprehension of the purpose and objective of creating the best and most comprehensive piece of work that could ...
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