The Developing Person

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The Developing Person


Personal development and growth are essential for the development of the personality of the person. This paper discusses about the development of the personality in relation with the adolescence biosocial development, adolescence cognitive development, and adolescence psychosocial development. Adolescence is the development or transition stage from childhood to maturity. Cognitive development in a person develops the skills to analyse the situation or the problem. It gives the power to find applicable solution of the problems. Biosocial development is about the physical and chemical changes occur in the body with the passage of age. Psychological development involves social and emotional changes in the body. Most of the companies of United Stated examine their employees with considerations of above abilities.

The Developing Person


The development of the person includes different progressions. It is necessary for the person to develop their capabilities according to the demand of the market or profession. This paper discusses the adolescence biosocial development, adolescence cognitive development, and adolescence psychosocial development (King, 2013). Professional growth involves meetings, trainings, and other technical trainings for enhancing the skills in a person.

Adolescence biosocial development is related to the hormonal changes in the human body. It also causes some emotional changes that affect the personality of the person. Cognitive development refers to the thinking procedure of the person. It is basically, the ability to think and find reasons (Kleibeuker, 2013). Adolescence cognitive development, includes the thinking and questioning process in adults. Psychological development is the development of a person is the intelligence of a person. Adolescence psychological development is the process of mental maturity or the idea of thinking beyond the limits in adults.

Personal development plan is about developing the personality according to the requirement of the organizations of the world. The employees of the company are the main asset for the organization and the whole performance of the company depends upon the capability of employees.

Now days, it is necessary for a person get intense knowledge about the particular subject area, in order to excel in his field. The development of personality includes biosocial, cognitive and psychosocial development of adults (Crocetti, 2013). Cognitive development of an adult includes different skills like thinking, observing, problem solving skills etc. These skills play an important role in the personal development of a person.

Adolescence Biosocial Development

Adolescence is basically the result of innovative world. It basically describes the phase of growth and development in human body, both physically and mentally. Most of the physical changes occur in the body the men and women. These changes in human body, affect the personality of an adult. A biosocial change includes some biological changes in human body because of growing age. It also causes some emotional changes in the personality of a person. The hormonal changes are the result of chemical imbalance and changes occur due to age.

The hormonal changes enhance the need of sex in men and women. It also increases the stress on mind and bones, which may cause some problems ...
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