The Day I Was Born

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The Day I Was Born


Name/Grade/Meaning of your name:

Birthday including year:

Age in years and days:

Moon phase on date of birth:

Astrological sign and description:

[Section: 2] Mexico's economic crisis

This paper discusses the various events that came on December 1st of 1994. Mexico's economic crisis of 1994 was a crisis that began in Mexico for global impact. It was caused by the lack of international reserves, causing the devaluation of the peso during the first days of the presidency of Ernesto Zedillo. A few weeks of beginning the process of devaluation of the Mexican currency, then president of the United States, Bill Clinton asked the Congress of his country to authorize a credit line for $ 20 billion dollars to the Mexican government, effects that would allow creditors to ensure full compliance with its commitments denominated in dollars. In the international context, the economic consequences of this crisis are called "Tequila Effect."

Zedillo took office on December 1 of 1994 (Burt, pp.96-105). A few days later, he had a meeting with Mexican and foreign businessmen, commenting on the devaluation was coming, that only the band planned to raise the fixed exchange rate by 15% to 4 pesos per dollar (from 3.4 pesos was on average in that year) and ending with many of the unorthodox economic practices (such as buying debt to the country's situation), and stop the leakage of dollars. Government critics argue that although Zedillo's devaluation was necessary and economically coherent, was handled incorrectly in political terms: having announced plans to devaluation, many foreigners withdrew their investments, compounding the effects of devaluation.

[Section: 3] The fight against AIDS

It's a tradition. Since 1990, Act Up-Paris manifesto for December 1, World Day of fight against AIDS. Early enough alone, the association has managed to gather under its banner in 1994 nearly 10,000 protesters in the streets of Paris. Mobilization is now less strong, triple therapy has been there, but the claims remain for Act Up-Paris and 47 other associations and organizations signed the call for protests. This action is that, according to the joint statement, "people lives with HIV, lesbians, gays, trans, women, worker-to-sex workers, and people from across the seas, foreigners, drug user, and prisoners, precarious (Gingrich, pp.155-165).

1st Chechen war

Farther away from us armed conflict, called the 1st Chechen war in December 2004 will celebrate 10 years since its inception. However, until now in the press there was no complete history of ...
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