Born Rich

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Born Rich

Born Rich


There are people who are born rich, who inherited their wealth from their four fathers. These sorts of persons who are called privilege individuals having their own way of living and considering an extravaganza span of life. Money is not always considered as everything. If a person marries rich and famous but does not work out and separated, not happy, and if a person is not rich and famous, falls in love and happy working relationship, happiness is a feeling, it is not the material and how popular it is one, there are rich people who became ill and died the same, there are rich people who do not have what a poor person or middle class has, the love of family, friend, the humility and courage, there are things that are not bought with money, things that you're richer than you will not have, like love, trust, happiness, friendship (true). A rich person can love and be happy, but not all about the money.

Research on Born Rich

Provided with all the resources of becoming a millionaire is what you chose to be. Even though your life is surrounded by unemployment, food stamps and foreclosure money magnetism is at your fingertips if you learn the tools to become it.


Being a born rich in China could be damageable to the society according to a primary thought who denies to work. Being a born rich automatically creates a concept that the person is not required to work; the term is also used in negative sense. It's also stupid for the reason that it can be employed to contest that when one is wealthy enough since his birth and others are taking in negative sense. (Rich, 2003)

Personal views about Born Rich

Being a born rich; provided from birth ...
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