Hard To Earn Money

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Hard To Earn Money

Hard To Earn Money

The notion of success holds different meanings for different people. Such meanings have changed over time. Actually many propose that processing an abundance of money implies success. However, this view is rendered obsolete in the minds of those individuals who hold that one individual's success can not be measured by money. While earning money I realized how difficult it is too earn money.

I found that there are differences between those who are born wealthy and those who earn money. Wealth, especially monetary wealth, means the person can meet all of their needs and wants with great luxury and still have money left to use, waste, save, or share. The people that are born wealthy don't appreciate their money as much as the people who have to earn it. Many people who are born with money become 'stuck up' or in other words they think they are better than other people who have to earn their money. Some people think that they have a harder life because they were not born wealthy. There are a vast number of differences between people that are born rich and people who have to earn their money.

I believe that most people who have to earn their money appreciate their money a lot more than people who are born with it. People who have to earn it know how much time, effort and work it takes to earn the money. Those who are born with money don't realize what the money is worth. People who are born with money don't know how it is to go without it. People who have to earn money usually have gone without the necessities and luxuries money buys. People who earn their money appreciate it more and spend it more wisely.

While earning money ...
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