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Four Brief Essays

State Lottery System

One of the methods that can be used in order to increase the sales of the lottery tickets is to apply a new strategy which would allow the customers buying tickets for the weekly draws to be a part of the lottery draws for four weeks which is equal to one whole month and for those customers buying daily draw tickets for one week on buying just the ticket just once. The price of the ticket should be doubled so, meaning that the customer is now paying more which is equal to the price of two tickets but which also allows the customer to be the part of more than one draw and thus giving the customer more probability to win (Gray, 2010).

The other strategy that can be applied is that the number of prizes can be increased along with a little reduction in the winning price as well. This will attract the customer more in buying the lottery tickets as the customer will now have a much bigger chance of winning the prize (Gray, 2010).

These tactics will more probably than not increase the number of lottery tickets being sold. Moreover, the strategies that have been suggested don't involve any unfair dealing with the customers. It just means that the customers will be winning an amount of price that will be lesser than the previous amount but this doesn't mean that any unfair mean has been adopted. Moreover, the price increase means the customers will have to pay double the amount but will also get more probability of winning the prize. This means that the tactics that have been suggested are fair and just as well.

What evidence from the field of psychology might support each statement?

Abraham Maslow suggested that “a person who is lacking food, love, and self-esteem would most likely hunger for food more strongly than anything else.”

Conversely, the novelist Dostoyevski wrote, “without a firm idea of himself and the purpose of his life, man cannot live even if surrounded with bread.”

Humans need food and water to fulfill their basic needs of life and for the purpose of living and to survive in this world. As food is necessary for living and one cannot survive without it, therefore it is the most important thing for a person to survive. Moreover, everyone in this world is striving hard to earn money so that he can earn living and food for himself and for his family. It is only after a person is able to live and to survive in this world that he will be able to earn other things like love and self esteem. Therefore, these things will always have a secondary preference in one's life when compared to the need of food in one's life.

The other idea that has been presented by Dostoyevski can also be said to be true because even if a person has a lot of earning and can easily get food to survive and for his living but doesn't ...
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