Admission Essays

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Admission Essays

Essay 1

Elaborating My Work Experience

I believe elaborating on my work experiences is an extremely important task to do for the purpose of setting my educational opportunities ahead. For the purpose of this paper, I will be elaborating on my recent work experience of this summer. I have worked as a construction supply supervisor at a construction company. My important duties included assisting the contractors for the purpose of securing jobsite materials which is extremely important for homes and buildings.

My experience at this job was extremely joyful and I learnt a lot of new and important things. This experience provided me an exposure to the difficulties of practical life along with important insights of working professionally. The basic responsibility I possessed at my job was to ensure the constant supply of quality construction material for the purpose of securing jobsite materials for homes and buildings. I was also responsible to make sure the proper transition of construction plans and the availability of quality and timely supplies.

I was also entitled to focus that the supplies and construction overlay are chronicled and deployment of construction plans are being done accordingly. I believe that construction companies mainly rely over the quality and timely availability of construction material. Being a construction supply supervisor, I observed the difficulties construction companies face in arranging the quality materials and the problems when the shortage of material is not identified timely. During the course of my job, I had to cater various manpower problems as well.

Proper utilization of manpower resources for the purpose of maintaining streamlined construction schedules is extremely important in the field of construction. During the course of my job, I realized that the construction business is extremely fun and requires a lot of creativity, hard work and determination. The best thing that I ...
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