The Control Of Organized Crime

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The control of organized crime


Organized crime is one of the most disturbing issues facing the United States at the moment. It refers to a group of individuals who share similar traits, ethnicities and characteristics. These groups work together and operate together and are involved in all sorts of criminal activities. Mostly, the activities are covered up by legitimate activities that serve as a 'cover' or a 'front' for their actual works. In many cases, these groups work with political entities that back up their criminal acts using their power and influences.

In the USA, the Italian Mafia is the largest and strongest criminal organization. It has a number of families working together and covering up their crimes by using legal businesses as the front and the power of politicians associated with them. The Mafia is involved in activities such as robberies, drug trades, violence and extortion. The Italian Mafia is also known as La Cosa Nostra with is Italian for 'Everything Ours'.


Social Disorganization

The lack of the ability in a community to solve unceasing problems is known as social disorganization. It is also the lack of ability of a person to realize common goals (Jensen, 2003). The three factors that usually cause social disorganization are social ties, organizational activism and collective efficacy (Armstrong, 2010).

Review of theories from previous assignments

In the previous assignments, we analyzed certain theories related to organized crime. The first and the most popular is the one that focuses on the Sicilian Mafia, known as the Alien Theory. According to this theory, the organized crime in Italy created the Sicilian Mafia and then they migrated to the US and brought their organizations with them.

The second is the Differential Association Theory that suggests that social groups and the environment are factors that explain the criminal behavior of people and groups. It states that criminals 'learn' to become criminals and evolve into being ruthless convicts.

The Social Control Theory states that a person with strong family relations and close involvement to the society will not involve in crimes and is less likely to indulge in criminal activities. It also says that people who have been bullied and alienated by society and have troubled family issues will be more vulnerable and susceptible to crime.

The Strain and Anomie Theory says that people engage in criminal activities when they want to acquire items of high value. Individuals who wish to have a better living and way of ...
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