The Bystander Effect

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The Bystander Effect

The Bystander Effect

The Bystander Effect


A psychological phenomenon of interest is bystander effect. It is a social psychological phenomenon that claims that some individuals may be more likely to offer assistance during an emergency when other people around. In other words, the larger the number of bystanders, the less expected it is that any one of them will help. This implies, for example, if there is a victim who was stabbed and robbed in a crowd some people in the crowd could just stare and do nothing to offer the victim assistance. According to a rudimentary standard of communal leverage, bystanders monitor the reactions of other persons in an crisis situation to glimpse if other ones believe that it is essential to intervene. (Miron) The neuroscience perspective will look at the bystander effect and the question of people formed, AOS ability to act in this way, it would do so by examining it from a biological motion.

The behavioral perspective is look at the environment and try to investigate whether or not the environment is some kind of influence on bystander reactions. This state, AOS possible to make any desired type of behavior by controlling people, around AOS. A question that may arise from this perspective is whether or not the bystanders have acted differently if the environment changed? Can conduct it probably is a learned behavior? Perhaps the bystanders are accustomed to watching and doing nothing because the current media environment today basically describes the human and stabbed or robbed? The cognitive perspective is looked at it and try to identify the thoughts, and knowledge of the spectator. It will question their understanding of the world and how it somehow affected the psychological phenomenon. Perhaps their views to the outside world and they think the world has had some bearing on their response. Made their views and knowledge of the world forcing them to be just a spectator? The humanistic perspective would view this psychological phenomenon rather than looking at the unfolding biological forces, unconscious processes, or the environment but by suggesting that all of the bystanders had a natural ability to strive to grow, develop and be in control their lives and behavior. The spectator does not have the ability to search and reach the fulfillment of helping the victims? An important factor to look at this perspective is that every person had the ability to make a choice as to whether or not they help the victims according to this view.

The bystander effect phenomenon first came to the researcher, AOS attention after the 1964 murder of Kitty Genovese in New York City, when 38 respectable, law-abiding citizens watched a killer stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks. It is because of this infamous murder case that the bystander effect is also known as the "Genovese Effect" or "bystander apathy" in one consistent and repeated finding in research studies of these phenomena is that a bystander is more likely to help if there are other bystanders ...
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