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Test Questions

Test Questions

Question 1:


Having a personality tendency to react strongly or defensively to problems and disappointments

Having divorced parents

Living together prior to marriage

Being previously divorced, yourself or your partner

Having children from a previous marriage

Having different religious backgrounds

Marrying at a very young age (for example, at the age of 18 or 19; the average these days is about 25 or 26 years of age for first marriages).

Knowing each other only for a short time before marriage

Experiencing financial hardship

Factors that you can change to improve your odds, if you work at it (Dynamic risk factors):

Negative styles of talking and fighting with each other, like arguments that rapidly become negative, put downs, and the silent treatment

Difficulty communicating well, especially when you disagree

Trouble handling disagreements as a team

Unrealistic beliefs about marriage

Having different attitudes about important things

A low level of commitment to one another, reflected in such things as not protecting your relationship from others you are attracted to, or failing to view your marriage as a long term investment

Question 4:

The first step in creating a (multi)culturally competent campus is to determine what skills students, faculty, and staff must posses to function effectively in, and contribute to, sustaining a diverse community as well as how to best teach these skills.

(Multi)culturally competent individuals have knowledge, awareness, and skills that enable them to interact successfully and respectfully with people of different backgrounds, viewpoints, and values. (Multi)Culturally competent individuals demonstrate a good understanding of the power structure in society, while acknowledging commonalities across cultures. They support social justice and move beyond tolerance to a more profound understanding of diversity. Cultural competence is never a fully attained state, but continues to develop throughout an individual's lifetime.

Question 6:

Autonomy: The principle of autonomy stands for the proposition that an adult ...
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