Aptitude And Achievement Test

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Achievement and Aptitude Test

Achievement and Aptitude Test

Aptitude Test

Aptitude test comprises the paper-pencil assessment of intellectual performance of the person who is supposed to predict how the person that would lead later, along with quoting known examples with covers includes the educational tests and graduate record examination. (George A. 1999).

Achievement Test

Achievement test is a test of skills or advanced knowledge. The most common type of performance test is a test standard developed to measure skills and knowledge in a certain level, usually through the provision of training, such as education or training classes. (Richard M., 2001).

Types of aptitude tests

There are three kinds of aptitude tests that are generally undertaken for the purpose of examining potential and consistent individuals. These include verbal, numeric and abstract test points.

Verbal: This ability is tested since employer has to know if the potential employee can communicate well. The test includes grammar, analogy, and following written instructions.

Numeric: Many employers are interested in an applicant's ability in basic mathematics even if it's not much used on the job. This test involves arithmetic such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing skills.

Abstract: This measures intelligence and potential to learn new things quickly and alongside includes logical thinking.

Types of Achievement Test

Objective test: The test consists of the multiple choice questions i.e., MCQs.

Essay test: This test evaluates the writing and thinking skills of the applicants.

Completion type: The commonest form of completion questions is one where the pupil is required to add one or two words to complete an incomplete statement correctly.

Procedure and Administration for Aptitude Test

The test uses the procedures which help in reducing error in measurement. The procedure is usually developed by the content experts, their responsibility is to make sure that the items involved in the test covers the important areas of the topic tested. After that, selection of the items with the appropriate difficulty and discrimination levels are being assessed. The experts also work together to avoid item bias and test bias. The test uses standardization to reduce errors in the administration of the test and scoring procedures.

Administration includes the use of uniform test timing, procedures, and the testing environment. The people who are responsible for the test administration go through a special training to ensure the uniformity of the administration process, and a pre-requisite for the fair judgment of the scores. The test also uses machines for scoring objective items like multiple choice questions. For subjective type like essays special training is used to ensure an adequate degree of agreement between different raters rating the same items. The purpose of the test is to compare student test performance to that of a representative student group, or the norm. Students in the norm group are selected based on their demographic background and academic status.

Every few years, the norm group is updated so that the results of the representative group are kept current and meaningful. Comparison of student test results against the norm is usually accomplished through the use of standardized test ...
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