Terrorism And U.N

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War on Terror and role of United Nations

War on Terror and role of United Nations


We live in a world of globalization, where event in one part of the world has impacts on the other parts of the worlds. Therefore, the importance of every international event has significant influence on global politics. Terrorism is the case in point. After the unfortunate event of 9/11, the overall global political scenario has changed. States those are said to promote the terrorism has become the centre of focus. Iraq war and Afghanistan war are the direct result of global changing world. In this assignment, terrorism and it impacts on the world politics will be discussed. In the second topic, I will discuss the importance of United Nations. What are their weaknesses and what possible solutions are available to make UN more representative in international politics.

War on terrorism

In his address of 20th September 2001, President George W. Bush said that for the successful executions of the war against the terrorism, the successful use of every resource have to be ensured. Every tools of intelligence, every tool of diplomacy, every use of financial resources and every possible use of the instrument of law enforcement must be used for the successful use of prosecution of war against terrorism (O'Day A, .2004,pp. 442). Some scholars believe that the war against terrorism is the globalization or internationalization of previous wars. Terrorism is not state or nation and the opponents in this war are not individual nation. Hence any nation who rejects violence and terrorism can simply become an ally and coalition partner against war on terror.

The war against terrorism is the most extensive and wider counter terrorism military cum political campaign in the history of mankind and the most significant conflict since the Berlin Wall's fall. Its expenditure and scope of resources are so enormous that has rivaled the cold war. US started to fight against terrorism on dual front and fighting with both Iraq war, and Afghan war proved difficult for US and its policy maker. To understand the nature and purpose of war against terrorism, we need to highlight the different aspects of this war with reference to US objectives. These includes cooperation between states with reference to international security, the legal aspect of counter terrorism policy, the operation, organization and cooperation of terrorist cells spread over the globe, the changes in homeland security measure such as cooperation of law enforcement and immigration control and the active diplomacy of US in Middle East states. But many scholars fail to understand the importance of the construction of political and military project on the huge scale, which is pervaded almost over the globe. Therefore, the war against terrorism is simultaneously a series of actual practices, covert operation, wars, institution and agencies and accompanying set of beliefs, assumption, narratives and justifications (Jackson, R. 2005, pp. 08).

War on terror mostly revolves around the Afghan war. US started the war against Taliban regime when they reject to handover Osama Bin Laden ...
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