Terrorism And Its Influences

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Terrorism and its Influences

Terrorism and its Influences


The term terrorism is used to refer to the illegal usage of intimidation and violence for the achievement of a particular group's interests (Lewis, 2002). However, in the process of the achievement of personal goals, these groups usually cross certain limits and end up hurting enormous amount of innocent individuals. As a result, terrorism has vast and diverse effects on the operations of the governments, communities, businesses and individuals. In order to better understand, how terrorism affects the lives of individuals on a singular and communal basis, an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors and past events is required.


Terrorism has been one of the biggest problems for the people throughout the world for one reason or another. One such example can be seen in how the Russian Revolution and the Irish Republican Army influenced terrorism in the Western Hemisphere.

The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution refers to the period of time ranging after 1917, which led towards the formation of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. However, this era was filled with the blood of numerous innocent lives and the promotion of terror throughout the Western Hemisphere and in Ireland in particular.

Darity (2008) identifies that the Russian Revolution is described as one of the most important revolutions by a number of scholars after the French and American Revolution. This revolution was directed towards ending the lacking in the democratic system and the oppression of economic standards.

Fall of the CZAR's Dynasty

During the CZAR Dynasty, the Russians were subject to rule under pressure and force. Moreover, as a result when the 20th century began, Russia emerged as a country where the people were under great pressure due to the practicing of feudal dictatorship by the CZAR Dynasty. This was happening because unlike the other European countries, Russia had not yet been subject to revolutionary activities.

However, finally after the Russian Revolution began, the CZAR Dynasty was overthrown by revolutionary groups through actions of rebellion and terrorism. Under the leadership of Lenin, the Bolshevik Party assumed leadership of the country by bringing changes within the system by taking advantage of anarchy and turmoil.

Russian Civil Wars

With a mindset towards the rule of Communism, a political system was overtaken that was about to bring a new world order. As a resulting event, the Marxist revolutionary theory came into rule within Russia; and numerous countries got influenced due to the new set of events. Civil War was started in Russia due to the opposition encountered by the Bolsheviks from the white army of CZAR's. In response to CZAR's, an army referred to as “red” was formed by the Bolsheviks. As a result, these groups collapsed and thousands of innocent lives were lost in their battle for rule.

Irish Republican Army

In comparison to the Russian Revolution, the Irish Republican Army was the combination of distinct groups belonging to Ireland with a central goal of gaining freedom from the British. The organization of the Easter Rising of the year 1916 directed towards bringing an end to ...
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